I have been using Drivwyze for over a year and it is the best one I have used and have used them all. It has had it's quirks but the updates and sites now accepting it are getting on board at a steady pace. New sites are added almost daily.
David Mundy - 10 years ago
Best Pass accesses both Prepass and Norpass in one transponder and also allows money put in an account that prepays a lot of tolls. not all but a lot
Michael W. Upshaw - 10 years ago
I have been using the DriveWyze pre-clearance application for 30 days now and it has been a pleasant experience and the cost of the monthly subscription does not take away much at all from my bottom line. Great poll Overdrive! !
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I have been using Drivwyze for over a year and it is the best one I have used and have used them all. It has had it's quirks but the updates and sites now accepting it are getting on board at a steady pace. New sites are added almost daily.
Best Pass accesses both Prepass and Norpass in one transponder and also allows money put in an account that prepays a lot of tolls. not all but a lot
I have been using the DriveWyze pre-clearance application for 30 days now and it has been a pleasant experience and the cost of the monthly subscription does not take away much at all from my bottom line. Great poll Overdrive! !