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  • George - 9 years ago

    I know that I will not vote wild rose cause he is worse that ms Smith, has not got a clue .we have agood person out in my area by the Name of Brad with the wild rose but after the debate , there is no way .
    all he had to say all night long when he was asked a question was I will not raise taxes ?????

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    I think Rachel Notley did well in attacking Prentice relentlessly and Brian Jean got his points across effectively as well. The NDP & Wildrose could both claim with some credibility that they won the debate. The clear loser was Jim Prentice and even Jim Prentice knows it. The way he stormed off the stage at the end was reminiscent of a spoiled petulant child that didn't get his way. His lies & fear mongering didn't work and thats all the PCs really had because their 10 minute plan is just another recycled batch of empty promises they have no intention of keeping. That cannot be spun as a winning performance so go quietly into the night Jim & catch a red eye back to Bay Street where you belong. I will vote Wildrose to counter the NDP. The PCs aren't even going to be a factor now. It's over.

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