Who do you think won the Alberta leaders' debate?


  • Coon - 10 years ago


  • Mike - 10 years ago

    Anyone falsely belittling or calling Rachel names is likely part of the PC war machine. This is consistent with PC bullying, set ups and fear mongering tactics. This PC evil will not go down or away without a dirty fight. But fear not Rachel and Alberta NDP team, your truth, good will and integrity will win out. Rachel you are the only real leadership choice in this election. You truly represent the people of this province.

  • Matt - 10 years ago

    I can't believe how many women are calling Notley (NDP) rude, it's like being in the deep south USA and the FUD of the Tea Party.
    Why hasn't anyone mentioned Prentice, (PC) and his political run in the USA a few years ago! Lotsa ammo to use against him there. Vote NDP!

  • Jim P. - 10 years ago

    Notley kicked My A$$ fair and square. She was rude and threatening but she knew how to make sure that I don't get any further in my quest to be PM.

  • Penelope - 10 years ago

    Math is hard obviously. Rachel, increasing the corporate tax from 10 % to 12 % IS a 20% increase. 2% from 10 to 12 is 20% greater. Guess she really is not that bright in math.

  • Penelope - 10 years ago

    Rachel Notley obviously leaned heavily on her union background, by shouting and interrupting. And that squinty smirk was just creepy. Pretty sure she would not stand up for Albertans against the unions.

  • Lori - 10 years ago

    I agree ms Notley should have been shown the door ! With such arrogance and rudeness . The NDP have ruined the economy of Sask. B.C. And Manitoba over the last few years ! Why don't people wake up and smell the roses? Ms Notley really didn't say anything except run down the other parties we would be in great trouble if she gets in , doesn't know how to close her mouth ! It is so sad people that don't know how good we have it in Alberta ,just go and live elsewhere your eyes would be opened , mr Prentice is trying to take one day at a time to bring our Province back to a reality as to what Albertans have to do to do. We will bounce back if he is given a chance

  • Joe - 10 years ago

    Rachel has the integrity to lead this province. Jim Prentice could not so much as smile through the debate; he ignored David and Brian. Looked like he was ready to leave the podium and lash out at Rachel. Jim has many issues. It comes down to whom I can trust with our future. Rachel will lead us on the right path. Tired of the PC roller coaster and merry go round.

  • Doug - 10 years ago

    Rene Jim Prentice has NEVER been respectful to any one of us. Getting a good laugh with his Toronto buddies at our expense was the ultimate slap in the face. When you looked in the mirror you saw a useful idiot. I don't want a PST that's why Prentice must be defeated. In case you didn't notice Jim already gave us a 4 cent a litre PST on fuel and if he is elected its coming on everything. It is rubes like you who keep pumpingup the tires on a PC bus full of lying corrupt self serving pieces of garbage like Jim Prentice and his gang of clowns. When Saskatchewan deposed Grant Devine 12 ministers went to JAIL. This bunch deserves no less. Vote on May 5. Be the change this province needs and deserves.

  • KeeleeDee - 10 years ago

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Rachel !!!!!

    From one blonde to another...great job, toots !! ;)

  • Rene - 10 years ago

    Being rude is a tactic that shows weakness and she knows it (Rachael N.) ! if everyone looks back closely the NDP and liberals and now wildrose are joining that team still have a coalition in mind NO way not for me ! do you really want HST and PST tax plus carbon tax i don't. As for Mr. Prentice he was respectful honest and true to his word am in with J. Prentice PC all the way, Alberta will be more balance with the Prentice Plan Yehaw !!

  • Debbie - 10 years ago

    Rachael Notley you rock. Jim Prentice your such a loser. Your no better then the last few leaders of your party. Sorry Alberta but if you vote PC in again Mr Prentice is right to say look in the mirror as you are the ones that keep voting these thiefs/liers back in. Everyone needs to get out and vote. Vote but please don't vote for the PC party they have been lying and robbing us for way to many years. Maybe different faces but still the same party.

  • Doug - 10 years ago

    Notley attacked Prentice relentlessly and was the winner in my opinion. Unlike a lot of people here I thought Brian Jean did alright. Swan was a snoozer and Prentice was the loser. The way he stormed off the stage like a petulant child pretty much says it all. He came off like an egotistical Bay Street suit full of empty promises and fear mongering lies. On May 5 let's end this tired corrupt dynasty. We can do better. We deserve better.

  • Susan - 10 years ago

    I can't believe how rude the NDP, Wild Rose, and Liberal leaders in that order were to Mr. Prentice, interrupting every time it was his turn to speak. This wouldn't be the way I'd want anyone to govern! Did I hear NDP mention introducing a sales tax? She ignored the money and job losses connected to early closures of coal facilities, and chose not to remember the effect the last royalty review had on Alberta. Wild Rose won't raise taxes but won't actually spend any money as needed. Liberal and NDP will tax employers until they relocate and we lose jobs and our Alberta advantage. Only Mr. Prentice seemed aware of our other industries than oil. All other parties are narrow minded and out of touch with reality. Conservative was the clear winner and choice for Albertans.

  • Fred - 10 years ago

    What a joke the whole debate, exactly the same as a regular question and answer period from the goverment. The only one that mde sence was Jim Prentice.

  • Steve - 10 years ago

    The only people actually engaged in the debate were Notley and Prentice; the others were just falling back on scripted queues.

    I love Prentice's closing statement. If you take away the fluff, all he says is "Good Night". lol

  • Mark - 10 years ago

    Rachel Notley was the clear winner. She gave specific answers to questions in contrast to Howdy Doody of the Wildrose who only had one line "We will not increase taxes". No real explanation of how he will do that and still maintain a high level of service in healthcare and education.
    Prentice looked very uncomfortable as he tried to defend his budget, the early election call and over forty years of Conservative mismanagement. David Swann proposed some good ideas but lacks the charisma to be the Premier. All in all, our best hope for a progressive future for Alberta is Rachel Notley and the New Democrats.

  • Henry - 10 years ago

    Rachel Notley had Mr. Prentice back on his heels, good air time, quality responses, not quantity. Calm, cool and collected.

  • James - 10 years ago

    Forget about who was rude or not. Interrupting or not. The real point is that it is a good thing (though expensive) that Prentice called the election. Because residents of Alberta have had a chance to see how Prentice moves and now they can make a decision before it's too late at to who they want representing them.
    It would probably be best for all Alberta residents of a minority government came about in this election. Then at least all voices have to be heard and not just the majority of conservatives or majority of a do, etc.
    this majority thing doesn't work provincially or federally because all residents aren't being represented.

  • Zack - 10 years ago

    Arlene, every leader talked over the other at one point. Mostly to refute false claims. Every leader went over the time limit several times too. It's hard to answer such complex questions in 45 seconds.

  • Barry - 10 years ago

    Way to go NDP, the PC 's been making promises but not following through and always blaming someone else. They are the gate keepers, never managing, just giving promises they never keep ( oh yea in 5 years, maybe there voters will forget). The NDP is promising transparency, finally we may know where all the money has gone.

  • Brenda Hunka - 10 years ago

    What is the solution to balance our budget? We can't continue to increase wages in our Alberta Way of a rich province maybe we should be less demanding . NDP would like to please everyone but its impossible . We need the oil sands I'm sure there are alot of NDP people working in that field . Don't think I'm tired of PCs filling there's . I haven't receive any grants or money from the government . But I work hard and want our government to see beyond the boys club and to continue to work with the people of Alberta. Listen people I'm thankfull we live in Alberta everyday look around !!

  • Mary - 10 years ago

    The person who made the most sense in a respectful way was Dr Swann.

  • Mike - 10 years ago

    Way to go Rachel! You did outstanding!

  • Dave - 10 years ago

    Rachael Notley was very rude and does not know the rules of debate or understand civility, or thinks she is above rules and thinks rude is the new in thing. She was continually interrupting and talking over the others so you couldn't hear what anyone was saying, but I don't think she even knew what she was saying. The moderators were so bad that it actually detracted from the debate. Do they actually get paid as professionals?

    A real moderator would have shut Notley down, or shut off her mic. If she continued a real moderator would have shown her the door. She was not inspirational, she was rude and resorted to bully tactics, which worked for her due to her obnoxiousness and the moderator pathetic grasp of the role of moderator.

    But all that said, I think the race is between her and Jim, the others might have well sent in cardboard cutouts.

  • Mary E - 10 years ago

    Way to go Rachael you were not afraid to speak up, you were not going to let Jim Prentice go on and on with pretty talk and say nothing. You spoke up, way to go. You have my vote plus !

  • Sue - 10 years ago

    Arlene, Rachel Notley was not rude! She clearly took the lead in the debate. All of them were interupting at one time or another! NDP and Rachel Notley are clearly a serious threat to Prentice and thePCs. Brain Jean just kept repeating the same statement over and over and not really answering the questions. NDP will get my vote and many votes from Albertans. It's time for a change!!!!

  • Brett - 10 years ago

    Rachel destroyed.

  • Arlene - 10 years ago

    Rachael Notley was very rude and obviously does not know the rules of debate, or thinks she is above them. She was continually interrupting and talking over the others so you couldn't hear what anyone was saying. The moderators should have had a switch to turn off her mic because she ignored their time warning also.

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