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Which pony pet is the best?

Total Votes: 14,633

  • MWJC - 9 years ago

    The fact that Angel elitists a powerful response from the audience makes him one of the best. Winona and Gummy are such nothing characters. Gummy is only popular because he's opposite to his owner.

  • MarcterChief - 9 years ago

    Best pet is Boulder. He's a rock.

  • Marghie - 9 years ago

    I will always vote for gummy, but boulder needs a place in this, it's mandatory!!!

  • CelestialSapphire - 9 years ago

    Um... You seem to be missing a syllable in a certain nocturnal avian pet's name (Owlowiscious).

  • NOFAIR - 9 years ago

    I don't get why Opal is last . . .? Why?

  • Swash - 9 years ago

    @Jb Some weird asshole with talking furniture.

  • SubrosianDimitri - 9 years ago

    Boulder is best pet, but I suppose Gummy will have to do as a replacement.

  • TiberiusIsNotCanon - 9 years ago

    Why do they add tiberius?

  • Jb - 9 years ago

    Who's Peewee

  • daExile - 9 years ago

    Not-a-cat-person voting for a cat to find out that Opal holds the last place. Sigh. How did Peewee even manage to beat her?

  • name - 9 years ago

    Tank. No contest.

    If Gummy wins this this thing I will officially lose faith in humanity.

  • Partyof123 - 9 years ago

    Why did people even vote for a character (Peewee) that didn't even get one measly minute of screentime. He hasn't even had any character development! BTW, Opal is best pet.

  • UnstableSun - 9 years ago


    Yes. Angel is the obvious choice here!

  • Galagoyo - 9 years ago

    Shoot, now that I know who Tiberius is I really wish I had voted for him... oh well, tank is cool too, but it seems kinda cheap to have this poll right after the last episode, feels rigged like everyone is gonna choose him. Should have waited to see if other characters got pet related episodes before doing this poll I think. Though, a lot of interesting stuff that will most likely be poll worthy is probably going to happen during this season which would out rule pets in which would get a poll, especially since we've already had the pet poll...

  • Aoqaz'u - 9 years ago

    Yeah, Boulder is best pet, but given the choices, I went with Gummy. And Tank is no slouch, even though he's a slouch.

  • Heather Trails - 9 years ago

    Where's Boulder?

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    Tiberius? What about human Twilight's Spike? Or Boulder?

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    Angel is underrated. He's the one with the most elaborated personality.

  • Bacon Pony - 9 years ago

    No Boulder? I am disappointed with you, Seth.

  • TWA - 9 years ago

    You can't vote for Spike, because SPIKE IS NOT A PET, Equestria Girls portal mirror be damned.

  • Phzixis - 9 years ago

    Why can't I vote for spike?

  • Golliat - 9 years ago

    WHERE - IS - MAUD'S ?!

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Correction, Tibbles is best possum! With two b's! This chat doesn't have an edit button!

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Tibles is best possum!

    If only one thing from the comics ever makes it into the show, let it be Tibles!

  • MObubbles - 9 years ago

    My parrots name is Tiberius! Now I need to read the comments so I know what they're talking about.

  • Lhein - 9 years ago

    @ShadowRose: Oh, I see. I don't (can't actually) read the comics. What is he?

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago


    Tiberius is Luna's pet possum in the comics. Please, don't let him win...TTwTT

  • Lhein - 9 years ago

    Who the heck is Tiberius?

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    Gummy is best pet. Is there EVER any doubt?

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