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Should carriers' CSA SMS percentile rankings/scores be removed from public view? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 655

  • Shester - 10 years ago

    Smaller carriers can not compete with larger carriers. Posting our scores only gives Brokers, Insurance companies, ETC>>>> more excuses to cost us most and to lower our rates. This is unfair. I do believe safety is important and should be monitored. However it should not be for the public to monitor. 1 bad inspection from a DOT trying to reach their quota, can break a small company for several years. And we are all aware that they can find something to fault even on a brand new rig.
    Remove, remove, remove, I cant say that enough.

  • David S. McQueen - 10 years ago

    Publishing adverse information about a company and drivers may not be libel per se (if it is true), but it does affect the company's image to a public which may look at the stats in a false light. Why not publish a stat that reflects favorably? Safe miles traveled, for example. It seems the goal of the federal government's policy is to present all trucking companies as highly dangerous and irresponsible businesses that are unconcerned with public safety and, by comparison, present the government as an all-caring, benevolent entity protecting its citizens (like it did on 9-11 and during the Boston Marathon and in Baltimore, ad infinitum).

  • Stormy - 10 years ago

    Until lFMCSA publishes accurate information it should be deleleted. As it is,, it is libel when they know the information is not correct and have it publically displayed.

  • alltlzrd - 10 years ago

    remove csa.

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