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Do You Wear Pony Things in Public?

Total Votes: 15,383

  • Nick - 9 years ago

    I have pony pride. I accept all positive comments and ignore the negatives. i try to get others to watch the show and love it when they tell me how much they love it. You will never break my pony pride and that's why I wear my pony gear around when i feel like trying to get more people to watch the show.

  • DJDarkMuffin - 9 years ago

    I don't have any pony things to wear! So I went with 'Subtle unrecognizable unless you "know" things'.

  • fluttershy7669 - 9 years ago

    My keys are attached to a pony lanyard and I carry a Fluttershy phone case.

  • nolow21 - 9 years ago

    i'm surprised there are more "NEVER". I can see for only subtle, unrecognizable unless you "know" things. If you don't have any pony stuff to wear thats understandable. But hey stay PONY MY FRIENDS brohoof /)!

  • Mondominiman - 9 years ago

    I have a lanyard that I have on my house/car keys. That's pretty much the only pony related thing I take out into public. During cons though I sport the buttons/shirts/ect.

  • Pinstar - 9 years ago

    I pick my son Alex off the school bus in the morning for pre-school. One day I happened to be wearing the first Bronycon shirt. Not super-overt. The bus driver gets up to help Alex gather his backpack and unbuckle his seatbelt while I wait. Little girl is seated in the front and peers down at me and smiles "I like your shirt Alex's Dad"

    And that's why I wear it from time to time.

  • ClassyDinosir - 9 years ago

    I have some ponie clips (4 out of the mane 6) that i have on my backpack that I bring to school, and I regularly wear one of 5 pony shirts I have. For some odd reason, despite being in rural Georgia, I've had maybe 3 negative encounters with them over the past 3 or so months I've begun to sport them around school. I guess I got lucky and ended up going to a school where everyone minds their own business :D

  • Gregan - 9 years ago

    I haven't really found any pony apparel that I found awesome enough to buy. But if I did, I would wear it.

  • ST1NGER E (Evan Martin) - 9 years ago

    Wow. Guess I'm part of an extremely small group that isn't as worried about what others think. I always at the very least wear my NLR dog tags. But then again I have a pony shirt for every day of the week and then some. Whatever is comfortable for anyone I guess.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Sadly, I don't own any pony things (clothes, etc.). Here in my country (Slovakia) aren't even available.... :( And if I had them, I'd wear them proudly every day.

  • SecretsBuildTrust - 9 years ago

    I don't own any pony-marked (blatant or subtle) wearables, so the default answer is never. Got plenty of other merch, though. Just not the wearables.

  • LegendofMoriad - 9 years ago

    I've got a hat that is one of my most recognizable features. On the hat is the Legend of Zelda crest, but I've got a small silver United Equestria pin on the side from an indiegogo campaign a while back. No one has recognized it, but it has garnered more than a few comments.
    One of these days I'll get around to purchasing more material.

  • C - 9 years ago

    I always wear pony things every time I leave the house, and sometimes even when I'm having a lazy day. I've gotten so many positive comments on it(literally more than half the time I go out), and not one negative comment. The only weird look I've EVER gotten, was from a mother of a small child who saw me looking at all the pony merchandise in the kids isle. Overall, I've gotten well over 50 compliments over the past year, and even made a great friend from it.

  • Greg M - 9 years ago

    I don't own any items of pony clothing. Wish I did, but I'd probably get weird looks. Oh, well.

  • Misha - 9 years ago

    I have close to 30 pony shirts and other apparel I've acquired over the years. I try to wear at least one pony thing every day. Work usually doesn't allow me to wear pony shirts under my uniform, so when I'm unable to wear a shirt I try to wear my Vinyl Scratch pendant. So to answer the question I regularly wear pony merch in public.

  • Trilok - 9 years ago

    I have at least 14 pony shirts and where them every single day. I have everything pony from wallet to watches to pins in a beanie. I walk around town not giving two cents on what people think or have to say about what I wear.

  • Stickyhammy - 9 years ago

    I voted always as I have 7 pony shirts. One of each of the mane six and a luna. Unless it's a wet mane day because they need to be washed I wear one. Luna only at night for sleeping. Very few people ever comment and I have worn them to the grocery store, casino, movie theatre, bank, and so on. Redbubble has lots of pony shirts to choose from if you need to find something to express yourself.

  • Paladin Colt - 9 years ago

    I would be wearing a pony shirt everyday... if I found one that fit me T^T

  • brohoof37 - 9 years ago

    I only have 2 pony shirts currently so I had to choose sometimes. I plan on getting more

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Why do you give a flying feather what he says?

  • lksgc - 9 years ago

    hahaha I have no pony stuff...

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    gamerofchaos, explain me why you'd give a flying feather about what I wear?

  • Weiss - 9 years ago

    I have a Spike wristband, but I picked sometimes cause I have 3 pony shirts I wear in public every so often. A Doctor Whooves one, a Daring Do one, and the mane 6. c:

    Once when I was wearing my Daring Do one an old man, about 40 was staring me down. (I'm a 16 year old girl, so that's typically something to worry about) but he walked up to me a said his son was a brony and he loves the fandom because they're so nice. That just made my day haha so I try to wear my pony shirts to see anyone else's reactions XD

  • Ohmeko - 9 years ago

    Y'all need to wear more pony stuff. :D

  • Simba - 9 years ago

    I often wear a MLP t-shirt under my collar "dress shirt" at work. I am definitely the Brony in the tech shop in which I work.

  • Sprite - 9 years ago

    I went to Universal Studios today, and saw 3 MLP shirts. They were beautiful.

  • don - 9 years ago

    How would you feel If a Helicopter had a pony character on it???

  • GamerOfChaos - 9 years ago

    Sweet Celestia! The number of people that say they never wear pony material baffles me! Come on, guys. I've been a brony for less than a year and I wear pony stuff every so often. You guys need to get on that. Buy some shirts!

  • Jonathan - 9 years ago

    I would if I had any wearable pony stuff (clothes, pins etc), but I don't, so I can't.
    But I will if I ever get anything wearable.

  • Eldamaur - 9 years ago

    I've got a pin of Celestia's cutie mark on my backpack, and a tie patterned with Twilight's cutie mark, along with matching tie bar, that I wear whenever I'm in a suit. So, I chose "Only Subtle, unrecognizable unless you 'know' things", since to anyone outside the fandom it's just a sun pin and a star pattern tie.

  • Mares Fillies - 9 years ago

    I regular wear pony shirts. I make it a point to wear at least one pony shirt every week to college. I also have a pony wallet. XD I'm a college guy.

  • Zebugamer45 - 9 years ago

    Sometimes I wear MLP T-shirts... But I always have my MLP phonecase/wallet with me, so I chose "regularly" ^^

  • Sindraq - 9 years ago

    I chose 'other', because I don't yet own any pony-related clothing, but I plan on getting some, and I will wear the shit out of them proudly.

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