like wet because he's a swimmer. yah know?
I get wet over this guy
Caleb is very good
best in the books right there
I know everything about sports and caleb is the best ive ever seen
I know my fair share of sports and i think Caleb is unreal
Caleb.... when people ask me to say one word about Caleb Elka i say "UNREAL"
Caleb is the best player ever
I have seen Caleb on the field and he is easily the best athlete of all time.
Easily Caleb Elka
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like wet because he's a swimmer. yah know?
I get wet over this guy
Caleb is very good
best in the books right there
I know everything about sports and caleb is the best ive ever seen
I know my fair share of sports and i think Caleb is unreal
Caleb.... when people ask me to say one word about Caleb Elka i say "UNREAL"
Caleb is the best player ever
I have seen Caleb on the field and he is easily the best athlete of all time.
Easily Caleb Elka