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Who do you think should win the award for Overall Production at the 2015 Freddys?

Total Votes: 2,160

  • Another Proud LED Alumna - 9 years ago

    Love your comment, Allentonian ! So many of us who were "Born Blue and Gray" will be cheering for our Huskies tomorrow night ... Go Dieruff !

  • Allentonian - 9 years ago

    Born Blue and Gray and they'll go all the way, thanks to the contributions of staff and Alumni.

    GO DHS!

  • Jenny - 9 years ago

    Wow - a lot of hatred and name-calling. As always, the awards bring out the worst in everyone. If your school built their set - wonderful - but in the past, there have been schools that have rented their sets (many from Gateway Playhouse who rents at a starting rate of $8000). I also notice that no one is defending the second half of the original statement - costumes. I noticed in several programs this year costumes by Scaramouche and one Oregon Shakespeare Festival (and yes, these RENTED costumes were nominated this year). So while it is true that not everyone is guilty (and sweeping generalizations cause people to be incensed) , there are some that fall into these categories. If you do all your own work - I applaud you for it - and best of luck.
    @ OK - All schools are eligible for Overall Production regardless of size - in fact, Notre Dame was in this category 2 years in a row. It just seems that it is mostly the larger schools that land in it every year.

  • why - 9 years ago

    don't make statements with out information to back them up...southern lehigh made their whole entire set...

  • karel kapec - 9 years ago

    yes we do build our sets, but whats funny is that we still got 12 freddy many did your school get? like 1...maybe 2?

  • bob - 9 years ago

    southern Lehigh builds their own sets, idiots

  • ok - 9 years ago

    "especially when they rent sets" funny I don't remember our school doing that

  • karel kapec - 9 years ago

    southern lehigh should just win every award because there would be an accident waiting to happen if they didn't;)

  • Ok - 9 years ago

    Notre Dame is in the category for overall production by a smaller school. Their student body size makes them ineligible to be judged with the bigger schools, which would be unfair to them anyway.

  • NYCfan - 9 years ago


  • NYCfan - 9 years ago

    I can assure you that Dieruff's set was built by hand. They were awarded a grant that they applied for through Lowe's. I know this because I helped them with their lumber order. I'm a fan of the theatre and agree with you whole-heartedly but please do your research before making sweeping geralizations.

  • NDFan - 9 years ago

    "Tale of Two Cities" - Notre Dame High School. Why is it only the big schools that get tapped? Especially when they rent sets and costumes from commercial theatrical suppliers. Shouldn't the awards be about talent and creativity, and not how much money your theatre club has to spend?

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