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SPEAK UP: Do you agree the state should release information on registered assault weapons? YESTERDAY'S RESULTS: Do you have Mother's Day plans? 48 Ye

Total Votes: 312

  • David - 9 years ago

    John Taylor.

    Registration leads to Confiscation. Read a little history on how the Nazis confiscated the firearms of the Jews, the Pols. They went from citizens to victims in the blink of an eye. I hope your not the type who would say it will never happen her in the US. If your President could have his way, we would all become his Subjects. Thank God for the rational thinkers in the Congress.

  • David - 9 years ago

    Roger, it's not a matter of need or want. It's a matter of the Constitution. If the Governor could have his way, he would ban all guns. Talk to former gun owner who lives in Australia, England, Ireland about being disarmed by their government. The law abiding person does not feel empowered when he or her is armed. He/She are exercising their god given right for self preservation. Do you actually think that the criminal cares about the law? Ask yourself this question, "How many law abiding gun owners did not shoot anyone today"? Remember this, When the Government is powerful enough to give you what you deserve, they are powerful enough to take it away. "We the People"

  • John Taylor - 9 years ago

    plain and simple ......want a gun.......pass a rigid background check...register gun.......does every Tom and Jane have to know ? NO
    Want more guns..? Same same
    Want assault rifle. ? Same same
    Want tank ? Same same
    Want to sell a gun. Sale must be recorded.....buyer background check and register purchased weapon.
    Wayne LaPierre......big business lobby person......shut up !

  • ERB3 - 9 years ago

    NO WAY should any information be released to public about ANY weapons owned, registered, or otherwise. Do we not recall the paper in Westchester that published names with street addresses of every county resident who owned a handgun on a permit. Nothing like posting a criminals shopping list of who to steal your next firearm from,.. only those who own and those in charge of registration need to know this information. It should NOT be public.

  • Roger - 9 years ago

    I know this comment will be met with more vitriol but I, for the life of me can't see why anyone would need/want an assault weapon in their home. Do you live in BEIRUT? I believe that people who get and use guns gradually are prone to violence. It makes them feel power or empowered. They are fearful. What else is a gun good for besides killing? People say, "well, cars kill why don't you restrict cars?" Cars have a beneficial purpose, transportation, guns do not. Well, then, knives kill, why not ban all knives. Again, a knife is meant for cutting, slicing, preparing dinner. It has a purpose that is non violent. Guns have no other purpose than to kill. If I got a gun (never happen) I'm sure that in a moment of anger, or road rage, I might think I would like to shoot somebody. Having access to a gun is a "slippery slope" and "easy access" to out of control violence. I might be perfectly sane when I procure a gun but what happens after I start "losing it".... Aaaahh THE GUN!

  • Dave DeSilva - 9 years ago

    The Governor will have you believe that NY is a safer place since the Safe Act Law was enacted. He is not correct. Criminals do not register their firearms. The law abiding citizen does not commit crimes. I would want to know the total number of individuals who have registered their so called "Assault Weapons" since the law went into effect. I don't want to who they are, just the number who registered.

    There is no reason at all that the Governors office should keep this information private. It's a number, thats all. The public safety is not at risk if this information released. These usless laws do nothing for the public safety, but you can't convince the down state libs. They know nothing about firearms and are listening to advisors who know less than they do.

    One more year to go on the job and then it's so long NY, hello free state.

  • Ralph Pettorossi - 9 years ago

    Why? What would anyone do with the information except to harass the legal, law-abiding gun owner? Besides, I believe that most AR owners didn't register their rifles, so the data is meaningless.

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