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Should your employer be able to fire you over behaviour outside of work?


  • Kier - 9 years ago

    The company said he was fired for violating their code of conduct. He broke an aspect of his employment contract that he signed. He signed something that laid out the results of such behavior and said he would not behave with such demeanor. They most certainly have the rights to fire him. Not only did he break the contract he committed to but he also broke the law with verbal harassment. Which company is going to be represented by such vulgerity?

  • Celeste - 9 years ago

    This is unacceptable. If that was me in that situation I would have done the exact same thing.
    Hydro One did the right thing by terminating him.

  • max - 9 years ago

    What the guy said was crude and unacceptable, but getting fired for it? That's a little extreme considering people convicted of the crime of indecent assault don't get fired.

    The punishment must fit the crime and if his employer can take away your livelihood for just acting stupid when you're on your own time, that should scare people

  • kristina - 9 years ago

    The guy that got fired didn't actually make that remark.

  • Glenn - 9 years ago

    When exactly did it become acceptable for people to yell that kind of obscenity in front of anyone, let alone in front of a camera and microphone? Now I think I can understand the mentality of the people who voted in our current government! We are in a world of hurt!

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