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Do you support the city's plan to start a fire-based paramedic program?

Total Votes: 272

  • Medic Man - 9 years ago

    As of right now, the Count owns an office, personnel sleeping quarters and an ambulance bay at Georgetown Station 4. Seems only right they pay the County for it since they are kicking the County out.

  • Medic Man - 9 years ago

    I think that depends on whether or not the County pursues it.

  • Retired old dude - 9 years ago

    Does that mean the city has to buy the county's part of fire station from them?

  • Medic Man - 9 years ago

    No they do not pay rent.

    They are only stationed out of two Fire stations and the other ambulances are stationed in their own "stand alone" stations. 1 of the stations was built for EMS and Fire by sun city, and the other station EMS paid to be in when the building was built years ago. They own part of the station.

    Also, the County maintains all radio towers and offers free EMS service to the city.

    The city is getting a steal of a deal

  • Retired old dude - 9 years ago

    I'm just curious, does Williamson County currently pay any sort of "rent" to the city for housing the Ambulances and crews?

  • Donna Tisdell - 9 years ago

    I agree. Too bad you don't have to be a citizen to vote and too bad we weren't asked to vote on this as a community before council took it upon themselves.

  • Mr Paramedic - 9 years ago

    Not a reliable poll when one person can vote as many times as they want....

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