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Hours wish list: To improve the hours of service for safety purposes, which one of the following changes would be most beneficial? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 890

  • Doug Cadle - 10 years ago

    Too bad your survey results come out on top of the article on Safari (iPhone) with no way to X it out. I would have liked to have been able to read the article.

  • Stalker - 10 years ago

    If you only look at the trucking industry then it appears that all these regulation are for safety but if you include all working people and jobs the in discriminates against the trucker and trucking company. Doctors, nurses, construction workers and many other put in overtime or work on people after putting in 16-18 hours on duty and then drive home. It doesn't matter what they are driving as all vehicles are potentially dangerous. Our government lets retirees and citizens drive 40 ft motorhomes towing 20 ft trailers without any training or special licenses. It's all about money.

  • The Line Rider - 10 years ago

    I'm a o/o.. Nobody can force me to drive anywhere. The only person that that knows when I'm fatigued is me. When I'm tired I sleep. Until they mandate e log I will tell whatever lie they want to hear

  • Pat Hockaday - 10 years ago

    JoJo's Paper outlines a graduated license with 4 levels of 125,000 miles each to permit the novice time to gain experience. At 500,000 miles a level 5 Drive would have earned across the board exemptions from the current HOS. This concept is held together by an hourly based salary that gives the Drivers Time and Experience value. In effect, ALL of the Co OTR Drivers time stationed to the truck would be compensated provideded they were ready, willing and Available to perform as directed while fulfilling the duties of the job as prescribed by co policy and the FMCSR's. Pat Hockaday (JoJo)

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