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What grade do you give the 'Elementary' Season 3 finale?


  • Stef - 9 years ago

    It was a sad ending...after having such hope for Sherlock. He had opened himself up to friendships etc.
    Of course, that was rather the point. As a viewer, we were set up for a fall too.
    Looking forward to meeting Sherlock's father next season. Perhaps Anthony Head?

  • David - 9 years ago

    For Holmes Sr. I have a selection of three:

    1) Hugh Laurie

    2) Stephen Fry

    3) Ben Kingsley

  • Cat Daddy - 9 years ago

    I think Charles Dance would be a great choice to play Sherlock's father. He has the right look and demeanor to play the cold, controlling father that Sherlock describes, but also the acting skills and believability to carry off the role of a very smart, successful businessman.

  • BC - 9 years ago

    Bill Nighy would be great as Sherlocks father. He is able to pull off so many interesting characters believably.

  • D - 9 years ago

    A sad finale. Sherlock walked away after giving Oscar the beating he so rightly deserved, for trying to pull Sherlock down to his level, I was expecting Sherlock to dig deep into all he learned in the last 3 years and walk away from the tunnel. I REALLY thought we were going to see Sherlock rise above the darkness he had once been in. What is it with CBS and their 12 step program programs. MOM is an alcoholic, Sherlock and addict, Mike and Molly are in OA.....enough already!!

  • heather - 9 years ago

    I was very disappointed with the finale this year. I just don't get it. Sherlock avoided temptation throughout the entire episode, and didn't even use when Oscar said he had to to get Alfredo back. Then, when it's all said and done, and he finds out Alfredo is okay, then he uses? Why? I'm an addict myself, with only about a year clean, and I still don't get it. Had he used in hopes that it would save Alfredo's life, then I would understand, but as it is now I think it's just stupid. If the writer's wanted Sherlock to relapse, I think it could've been done in a much better way. Of course, I know how addiction is. You don't need a reason to relapse, and maybe that was the point they were trying to make with this episode, but personally I don't like the way it played out. Just saying.

  • Johnny - 9 years ago

    Papa Holmes... #1, Malcolm McDowell, or #2, Jeremy Irons.

  • The Shrew - 9 years ago

    Please, let someone from production at Elementary read this...Sherlock's dad is JOHN NOBLE.

  • primalgranny - 9 years ago

    Patrick Stewart as the father - dry, sarcastic, unsympathetic, downright nasty

  • Ry Joh - 9 years ago

    I would cast Michael Gambon as the father.

  • Greg Morgansen - 9 years ago

    I also suggest Anthony Hopkins or Jeremy Irons as father figures. Either one would present a sensitive and dynamic addition to the program.

  • Greg Morgansen - 9 years ago

    My experience with recovery from addictions agrees with the comments regarding surrender to a higher power, IE, God, as suggested in the Big Book of AA. It is incomprehensible to me that the euphemism, "Higher Power", is used, rather than God, to be politically correct, but that is another discussion. This idea is accepted and suggested also to those addicted to narcotics in NA. The AA principle that we are all incapable of helping ourselves in whatever addictions that we have in life and need the help of the unseen force that is known as God is central to recovery. In my association with recovering alcoholics and drug addicts, it is often the case that relapse occurs. It is also my experience that avoiding relapse is a daily, sometimes and hourly, struggle. I know addicts who sometimes go to NA and AA meetings hourly for a few days to stay sober. This is constant process. It is also reality that most of humanity has multiple addictions that are socially acceptable. Just look at the millions of people who find it almost impossible to be separated from their cell phones for very long. Look at the rabid fans of soccer who every once in awhile trample each other at games. And let us not forget the passion that fans display at our football games and accept almost without question the drafting of players with tremendous anger and addictions of their own and encourage their behavior. I believe that the Sherlock character is a valid, albeit, exaggerated for theatrical purposes, representation of all of us. We would be well advised to take a look in the mirror each time we watch the program.

  • Bill W - 9 years ago

    The irony is that this is fiction - it is not real. The apparent social commentary of “normal” and “unextrordinary” being used to describe relapses in Sherlock, an “addict in recovery” is appalling. Sherlock is plainly NOT in recovery.

    The flagrant manner in which the sophomoric understanding of N.A. and or A.A. and its traditions, steps and primary purpose are completely denigrated in media and Hollywood is sad. Sherlock and many other “recovering” people are depicted in AA or NA meetings bellowing about their problems. And too often, they seem to be anchored down by some hopeless state of being, from which there is no remedy. This the real fiction. In real life, countless people recover and lead productive and meaningful lives without any slip-ups, mistakes, or relapses.

    Here, Sherlock has been depicted as remaining in a constant struggle with his addiction and going through “triggers.” He has ostensibly done all that the uninformed believe is what AA or NA is all about - getting a sponsor and attending dramatic story-telling meetings with a regular basis.

    Sherlock used drugs because he has not begun any actual steps towards recovery - or at least there are no facts or evidence suggesting actual recovery depicted in any episodes. He does not appear to have any scintilla of a higher power in his life. In fact it is the contrary, Sherlock serves as his own higher power and believes that he is a magnetic force, drawing others toward him. This self-centered fallacy is what brought him down.

    The common denominator between those that recover and those that do not recover is that those who do recover have a belief and faith in a Higher Power - how this works is inexplicable but it is the truth.

    Even Sherlock would agree: when you eliminate the impossible, all that remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. Without a higher power, an addict will never recover.

    Unless Sherlock gets God in his life, he will remain a junkie with a remarkable eye for details.

  • RR - 9 years ago

    Hated the ending. Won't be back next year.

  • Lenny Schafer - 9 years ago

    The addiction, recovery, relapse loop has become a tiresome cliche by now. It's used as a cheap device to weaken the arrogance and hubris of the man. (The same flawed addict crap was pulled on the House character in attempt to make him more likable to female demographics). The Sherlock character does not fit well into the addict, tattooed, rebellious irony guy package the writers invented. Sherlock the British upper class junkie just doesn't work for me. The apparent relapse doesn't make sense either. Time to wind this awkward fiction down.

  • diana - 9 years ago

    i wouuuuuld love to see Anthony Hopkins as Sherlock's father ..yeahhh!! ps: it hurt to see him like that at the was very sad :(

  • T - 9 years ago

    Michael Caine ( Jekyll & Hyde/Last Love), Anthony Hopkins (RED 2), or Malcolm Sinclair (Casino Royal), Or Jeremy Irons- should play Sherlock's father. Though I think that the professional collaboration between any of those 3 and Jonny Lee Miller would be the most interesting as a father-son dynamic.

    Also, all three have some quality or another of some physical facial characteristics such as the eyes, forehead, blond/silver hair, a version of an English accent accent, etc. that would be believable as the father of Sherlock and his brother on the show...I just add that comment for story line continuity and believability.

    On the other hand, they could cast an British actor that is unknown in America if his look, sound, and chemistry between the actor that they choose and Jonny Lee's character and is believable.

  • mllio hjnoihih - 9 years ago

    Anthony Hopkins as the father would give the relationship depth and complexity beyond the cliche sense we have of it so far.

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