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Which non-Mane6 character was the best in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord"?

Total Votes: 17,379

  • Just an Annon - 9 years ago

    I don't think there is, was, or ever will be an episode with Discord, where he ISN'T the best non-mane 6 character.

  • Streifi - 9 years ago

    Not very often can I summarize my thoughts like today. Basically all that needs being said for me has already being said by InfinityDash, ZerOcarina & HalflingPony. I agree with the three of them.

    So my vote goes for the Smooze. He isn't the eldritch abomination from G1 but was one of the most adorable characters I have seen onscreen in a long time.

  • Ponee - 9 years ago

    Discord obviously, while the filthy pothead hippy is the worst character this show has ever seen.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    Like so much other popular memes.
    The twilicane showed up for only 5 seconds and it was everywhere on internet for a few days. Derpy hardly said anything but she's still one of the top 3 favorite ponies of the fandom.
    Talking is not needed to be liked.

  • RedHawk915 - 9 years ago

    Thank GOD Maud isn't winning she had two FRIGGIN lines.

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago


  • name - 9 years ago

    Cloudkicker, filling in for Derpy.

  • Fion - 9 years ago


  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    So if we have multiple votes for yes, we would know there's at least one person who does. That would be brilliant.

  • Mike - 9 years ago

    I wanted to vote for Discord, and I wasn't that big of a fan of Maud in her last episode. But I gotta give it up for Maud's sick burn on Discord this episode!! #Basic

  • HalflingPony - 9 years ago

    Going against the grain here, but my vote goes to the Smooze for simply being (nearly) the most likeable, most adorable little eldritch abomination in the universe (second only to Pinkie Pie).

  • Raincool - 9 years ago

    I have an idea for a poll: do you vote multiple times on the same poll?

  • RainboomBox - 9 years ago

    Well, given that Discord is the best character in the entire show, including the Mane 6...yeah, Discord.

  • Argumedies - 9 years ago

    @lordelliott I voted Celestia because she orginized the whole thing knowing full well what would happen

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago

    Celestia was in top form, so I picked her. Discord was okay, but not so great for Discord.

  • lordelliott - 9 years ago

    @Argumedies I voted Maud because I didn't really like what happened with the rest. Would have been Discord, but at the end they made him seem too stupid and naive.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Discord was crazy
    Raritys naked bit & slime attacks
    Mauds joke/boat
    Spike having a cupcake and having the WTF look when Smooze & Pinkie dance
    CMCs 1st Gala Priceless.
    Could of been dumb and dumber
    Disco ball!
    Treehugger meet Chainsaw . . .

  • Argumedies - 9 years ago

    How is Maud in second, o mwan, i like her and all.... But she didnt do anything.

    Yes she got in a good burn...but... But... Arghggg

  • Ranma81 - 9 years ago

    Celestia! It was great to see her, and not the cardboard cut-out ultra wise god figure as usual, she laughed at Discords joke (at Twilights expense) and seemed to enjoy the chaos much like she did with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and the tea.

  • ZerOcarina - 9 years ago

    They were all great, but Smoozy was so cute °w°

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    Celeastia! I love Maud, but Celestia needs more love, as best princess! ^.^

  • USeriousM8 - 9 years ago


    Nasty joke on Discord While Discord himself has been playing nasty jokes since the dawn of time and probably before that.

  • InfinityDash - 9 years ago

    Discord stole the show (as usual) so he gets my vote, but I have to say I actually liked Treehugger quite a bit. I just wish they would've toned down the hippie stereotype a *little* bit. But she was very entertaining and does seem like the type of person Fluttershy would become friends with, even if their discussions of nature are coming from slightly different angles...

    Celestia laughing at Discord's joke about Twilight's flying ability was one of the highlights of the episode and of Celestia's character in the entire series IMO. I love seeing lighthearted Celestia (as opposed to "wise mentor" or "serious business" Celestia which we tend to see more often).

    Smooze was fun, but I was a teensy bit underwhelmed by him, especially since he was a reimagined G1 villian, so I was hoping they'd add some more depth to his character. But again, I was only a TEENSY bit underwhelmed. He and Discord made a great duo.

    Then there was Maud: she had a good one-liner, and I, like everyone in the fandom, always enjoy seeing her, but she didn't add a whole lot to the episode IMO. But the fandom as a whole goes crazy for her which I guess is why she's in 2nd place right now. And that's OK... (She just better not overtake Discord...)

    Despite any implied negativity above, I LOVED this episode. 9/10 from me. Seeing Discord's home was fantastic. And just so many great lines, a great story (with a somewhat silly but still very funny ending), a ton of characters, some great references (not too many; just enough), sock-puppet dimension out of nowhere (was this a reference to something? It was hilarious either way), and of course just Discord in general, who is one of my absolute favorite characters.

    So that's it; there's my mini-review, in the poll comments section that very few people look at :)

  • MidGrid - 9 years ago

    Maud is overrated...all she did was stand there and act boring and then pull a nasty joke towards Discord...

  • Metemponychosis - 9 years ago

    In torn between the Smooze and Tree Hugger.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    Maud is obiously the successor of luna.

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