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Are you concerned about MSG in the foods you consume?

1 Comment

  • Barry Thompson - 9 years ago

    My food service provider admitted to overdoses of MSG to problem tenants. I had a meal recently that gave me palpitations, flushed face, chest pains, head ache, and when taking my angina spray ( glyceryl titanate) it left a vivid taste like I had a mouthful of petrol. I have had varying degrees of intensity of these sensations ever since I started living here about twelve months ago.
    I am interested to know if there is any way of testing for MSG as I have given the managers instructions that NO MSG is to be added to my meals. Most of the food is very bland and of the cheapest available and is skimped in quantity. Because I am type 2 diabetic it further limits my intake of foods and additionally I follow the Grain Brain diet including supplements such as turmeric, alpha linoic acid, fish oils, resveratrol etc.
    This diet has had extremely good results and my cognitive abilities are as good as they were twenty years ago and much better than 12 months ago. I am 75. I am also off the low fat diet and eat more cholesterol
    and eat gluten free and avoid wheat and most flour grains, more fats, less fruit and now stevia instead of Splenda and aspartame. The difference has been enormous and chest problems due to excessive fluid (pneumonia 3 times in past twelve months) that had respiratory scientists baffled for three years have completely gone including extreme shortness of breath.
    So I would like to remain where I am at present but have control of my MSG (none ) consumption. Unfortuunately one meal/day is part of my contract of tenancy and I cannot get out of it.
    Barry Thompson 25 September 2015

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