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Do you think more attention needs to be paid to veteran suicides?

Total Votes: 542
1 Comment

  • sean - 9 years ago

    The problem is that their are lots of resources but people are afraid of using them because they will be treated like second class citizens. I was a First Sergeant in the Army a few years ago. The buzz words were look for signs of PTSD and let the Soldier know there will be no repercussions of seeking help. I had a young Sergeant with obvious PTSD symptoms. I personnally encouraged him to get help. Within two years he applied for airborne training and drill sergeant school and was denied both because he had PTSD treatment. He was put out last year in the drawdown as the Army cleaned house on those with medical issues. He was an outstanding NCO truly committed to the Army.
    If you read any veterans blogs they all say don't get any mental help at the VA because you will lose your gunrights. We need to tell veterans that they can get help and unless they commit a crime they will have absolutely no repercussions from getting help, PERIOD.

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