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Which Episode of Season 5 is Your Favorite So Far?

Total Votes: 17,416

  • Solecks - 9 years ago

    Even if I choosed the obvious one, I´m surprised Gloom & Bloom is so down, it´s a real cool episode

  • Appletini - 9 years ago

    Interestingly, I would personally rank the episodes in the exact opposite order, except for Appleloosa's Most Wanted.

  • RainbowquillSS - 9 years ago

    1. Make New Friends But Keep Discord - Very very good moral for kids which if you guys would remember is the original target audience. Plus + 5 points for the smooth integration of one of my favorite G1 villeins and making him friends with one of my favorite G4 ones, even if Discord is reformed now.
    2. The Cutie Map - Extreme Order. The fact that they made a pair of episodes showing that Order does not equal Harmony/Equality was fantastic. This has taken over as my favorite two parter. They are rocking it this season
    3. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - Friends are better then money. + 5 for Gilda
    4. Tanks for the Memories - The five stages of grief and no one had to die. + 2 for creativity + 1 for Who's on First ref using pony names. I knew it was only at matter of time but it is still classic
    5. Bloom and Gloom - Be yourself. Good episode and a lot of it made me laugh but I liked the episodes above a bit more.
    6. Castle Sweet Castle - Liked Twilight in this, the others pulled a bit of a dumb but there would not have been a conflict without that. Bit of a meh episode.
    7. Appleloosa's Most Wanted - And remember kids, all criminals are just misunderstood people who have very bad luck. Bad unintended moral. Other than that it was a good episode but I have to deduct 5 points for that putting it at the bottom.

  • Kamike Serpentail - 9 years ago

    Bloom and Gloom really hit home for me. Very little scares me more than being stuck having made a decision I regret, specifically when it involves friends, family, or what I'll be stuck doing for a living.
    I also find it amusing how it indirectly related to The Cutie Map, in the sense of cutie marks being portrayed as causing problems, and had it not all been a dream I could have almost believed Starlight Glimmer was responsible for some of the situation.

    I'd put Cutie Map as second, as it introduced some important elements (the map, Starlight Glimmer) and was strangely dark and further touched on the problems possibly presented by the cutie marks. And I might be a bit of a socialist. :P

    Treasure of Griffonstone was pretty good too. I love the mythological ties the show has. And it was interesting to see why Gilda wasn't particularly nice. I love when villians have a bit of a back story, a plausible reason why they are bad, rather than simply because. Though that might partly be because I believe that most villains would have been good if their circumstances were different.

  • LiboR - 9 years ago

    Cutie Map was really creepy opening, yet still very good.
    I also liked Castle Sweet Castle, heartwarming, the ending was unexpected... pretty good episode.
    Bloom & Gloom had dark atmosphere and good meaning. Really great episode.
    Tanks for the Memories had a great meaning of overcoming loss. But that's all.
    Appleloosa's Most Wanted had a good meaning too, but again, there was nothing memorable.
    Make New Friends but Keep Discord was great in comedy. But the plot was kind of silly.
    Treasure of Griffonstone was the most balanced, it had both, comedy and great plot. Best episode of S5 so far.

  • tairiman - 9 years ago

    Voted for Griffinstone, some of the little references to mythology putting it ahead of the others for me. Bloom and Gloom deserves more votes though, and Appleoosa was still a fun episode.

  • rusticware - 9 years ago

    The Lost Treasure of Griffon Stone hands down for me! I've already talked about this at some length in the comments section but so far season 5 hadn't really "popped" for me as it were. Sure none of the episodes this season were awkwardly unwatchable or badly written (rife with miss-characterization or too much exposition like some of season 4 worst offenders) but also unlike Season 4 Season 5 had yet to have that really stand out episode. Something that let you know the season wasn't going to be a totally let down... That was until The Lost Treasure of Griffon Stone.

    The characters were great, especially Pinkie! She walked that fine line between obnoxiously overbearing and nosy to being genuinely sincere and caring about peoples problems. When a gag revolved around her it worked and she was genuinely funny like what we expect from her type of character.The exposition was kept to a minimum and the world building was a much need addition to the barren landscape that has been this seasons first 8 episodes. Then there was Gilda. I can't say I was ever much of a Gilda fan. Mainly because she was a cookie cutter bully archetype back in season 1 introduced for little more then to serve as an example to young kids what a bully looked like and how to best deal with them. You know typical education fluff for what you might expect from an all ages "educational" show (that was technically the rating/category for FiM way way back in Season 1). But this episode not only ended up being a redemption episode for the character but totally added to her emotional depth and background. Really little can be said that was bad about this episode. Great gags, great pacing, great characterization for characters new and old and great world building. What more is there you could really want? Comparatively none of the other episodes really been all that amazing. Granted they're not terrible either they're Yeah! Thats it~ Theyre too safe. Play too much to fandom expectation and taste.

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago

    Also Make New Friends But Keep Discord was terribly unfunny. It must have had the lowest successful to failed humor ratio of any episode of FiM. Even Feeling Pinkie Keen was a more successful comedic episode, and it's mostly a bunch of lame slapstick. Pop culture references are the lazy replacement for actual humor.

  • Mojo - 9 years ago

    No complaints about Discord on top, it was incredibly entertaining but man, Griffonstone was easily better than Tanks for the Memories.

  • um idk - 9 years ago


    True that ;)

  • Tradley - 9 years ago

    1. The Cutie Map
    2. Bloom and Gloom
    3. Make New Friends But Keep Discord
    4. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
    5. Appleloosa's Most Wanted
    6. Tanks for the Memories
    7. Castle Sweet Castle

  • silvadel - 9 years ago

    I don't know what it says when the top two episodes are the ones you liked least and the top two you liked most are (while not last) are 2nd last and 3rd last.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    I liked all except for "Make new friends but keep Discord" and "Appleloosa's most wanted". My list is probably this:

    1. Tanks for the memories
    2. The Cutie Map / Castle sweet castle
    3. The lost treasure of Griffonstone
    4. Bloom and Gloom
    5. Appleloosa's most wanted
    6. Make new friends but keep Discord

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I've been waiting for Gilda to come back since I started watching the show (between seasons 2 and 3). The wait was long, but it was worth it.

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago

    People respond well to fan service it seems. Make Friends But Keep Discord had a formulaic plot with unnecessarily stupid and obnoxious characters.

    Personally, I thought The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone was the best. It had unlikable characters (the griffons) but that was kind of essential to the plot. Also Pinkie Pie was amazing in that episode.

    I didn't particularly like Tanks for the Memories because I didn't have any reason to care about Tank going in, and I think that really weakened my emotional investment in RD's problem. I don't think anyone can honestly say that they would notice if they had a bunch of episodes where Tank was not in them because he is hibernating. He is barely in any episodes as it is.

  • Sarah - 9 years ago

    I don't particularily care for any of them enough to pick a favorite. Season 5 is of to a bad start....

  • Golliat - 9 years ago

    "Tanks for the memories" was annoying thanks to RD crying like a little beach half episode.
    "Appleloosa most wanted" wasn't particularly intresting.
    "Castle Sweet Castle" Meh, nice message. I liked the Snowflake scene though.
    "The Lost treasure of Griffinstone" It was nice. Good chemistry between P & R. I didn't like little Gilda though.
    "Bloom & Gloom" Luna appeared, and the apple-cutiemarks-only crack was made. 1000 points to Griffindor.
    "Cutie map" the season opener. Fucking great. Comunism, brainwash, fake smiles, and the villain being a normal pony. One of my favourite episodes so far.
    "Make New Friends But Keep Discord" It was so freaking good I find its desccription ineffable. Discord being jealous and Tree Hugger being all like 'wooooah dude' was something I never expected to see in the show. It looks like they're leaning more and more towards the brony audience. I only found a bit excessive the muppets thingy, and maybe the smooze..maybe. But I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE TREE HUGGER! SHE WAS THE 2nd BEST CHARACTER IN THE EPISODE (Maud was the fucking best, she was...perfect. That's the word).

  • don - 9 years ago

    Like the ones with the ponies (Spike too)

    They are different from the first 4 seasons, still great ,still hitting the feels and giggles

  • Moe - 9 years ago

    That Discord episode wasn't that great. Tanks and Griffonstone were better. I like Bloom and Gloom too.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    @um idk

    That episode's incredibly overrated. I LOVE Tanks for the Memories and The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone! ^.^

  • um idk - 9 years ago

    I can't believe I disliked Make New Friends But Keep Discord, the most loved episode in this season so far. xD

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