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Do you think Selena will finally listen to Taylor's advice about JB?


  • jazmyn - 9 years ago

    is it any bodys bisness what they do our not but i think Taylor is her friend then selena should listen to what she needs to say so lets say selena listened Taylor ad she did like what she sed then selena will go on and what she wants taylor shoulded risk her time to make thing right maybe they stay together or they wont but selena should try to talk taylor about it taylor does have a bit of a point the rest not really and it is selena bisness who she dates.

  • jazmyn - 9 years ago

    is it any bodys bisness what they do our not but i think Taylor is her friend then selena should listen to what she needs to say so lets say selena listened Taylor ad she did like what she sed then selena will go on and what she wants taylor shoulded risk her time to make thing right maybe they stay together or they wont but selena should try to talk taylor about it taylor does have a bit of a point the rest not really and it is selena bisness who she dates

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