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Do you think Drake crossed the line with his transphobic tweet?


  • Anonymously Yours - 9 years ago

    Bjones: If you're what's waiting in heaven, I willingly embrace hell.

    My twin "sister" told me she wanted to be a boy when we were growing up, (we were 8) but because of society, my family didn't approve. They forced her to wear dresses everyday in hopes it would banish her urges. But nothing changed. We agreed going to church, and my parents begged the pastors to heal her, but nothing worked. She still felt like a boy inside. We shared a room, and at night, she'd cry herself to sleep, begging and praying for god to make her a boy in the morning, or fix her head. No relief came.
    But puberty did. My twin committed suicide shortly after. She signed her note Bill... A name only the two of us knew; the name HE'D picked for himself.

    It's been 17 years since my twin died, and I WISH he'd stuck around to see how far we've come.

  • Ferr.y - 9 years ago

    @Bjones, so supporting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans is ***immoral*** but swearing isn't? Tell us more about how your statement makes any sense whatsoever. And by the way, I bet you do so many immoral things, especially in the past 10 minutes. Let Caitlyn be herself, don't worry about what she's doing, and back off. Drake WAS out of line. Drake isn't even his real name, so why can't he call Caitly by the name she'd rather have too? Oh, no comment? Thought so.

  • Graham - 9 years ago

    The only person who messes with Bruce and gets a way with it is his surgeon! I'm glad that at least some people in Hollywood refuse to glorify this immoral event in history.

  • Maddi - 9 years ago

    this is blown way out of proportion, they say he that drake clearly exploited his opinion when all he said was, "Sorry, still calling you Bruce." That is what we have all known "her" by and it's a difficult change for all of us. Drake stating that he is still referring to Caitlyn as Bruce shouldn't be shamed or make him a transphobe.

  • Bjones - 9 years ago

    Caitlyn or whatever it's fuckin name is,is just a fag in a wig.i don't support gays,lesbians and transvestites its imoral and it goes against everything I believe in.the dude said literally 4 fucking words and there's nothing offensive so all you dumb bitches defending Bruce can fuck off,mind your own fuckin business and shut the fuck up cuz 90% of you will rot in hell anyways.why the fuck is this topic a highlight of the world anyways?WHO THE FUCK CARES THAT SOME BITCH OF A MAN WANTS TO BE A CHICK?that he-she is a disgrace to the world in my eyes,you CANT call yourself a man,a man is someone who is tough and works hard to support their family,he shouldn't be called a transgender,it's called a pussy.jesus Christ this world is fucked.

  • Angelica - 9 years ago

    This whole thing honestly was just blown out of portion (as everything in the media is). Though personally I do not agree with gay marriage and think it is wrong and against Gods plan, I still love the person not the sin. And moreover honestly people we don't even know if this is just a publicity sunt that they are trying to promote, you can't believe everything you hear. You must gather the facts, and make an educated opinion on your own, they're will be people that "agree" with it and "disagree" but stand by your decision either way.

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    What the heck?! He has the full right to write whatever in his twitter. And I don't actually see any insult in this post. He just wants to call Bruce, Bruce! Caitlyn ot Bruce..whatever? I'm sure he didn't want to offense anybody. And all those "fans" pretending being cool when they insult him? Wow, and for that silly reason! I'm not a fan of Drake Bell, but I'm sure the thing he did it's not mean!

  • Jack - 9 years ago

    The word transphobe is thrown around alot. Also, who carries what one random person has to say about a sex change? It matters 0% yet we are all going on a witchhunt, despite the fact that most of the people who take part of just as horrible as the one we're hunting.

  • Roxy - 9 years ago

    Drake Bell was not out of line. He has the right to decide what he wants to call people. He didn't call Caitlyn "Bruce" to be mean. He called him "Bruce" because that was once his name and he is used to calling him that. So, why don't you people cut him some slack?? I mean we all make mistakes.

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