Do you think Tim Hortons should have pulled the Enbridge ad?


  • Yve - 9 years ago

    Tim Horton's has the right to stand up and say NO to any ad, much less to pipelines! Why are they being targeted?
    More importantly, What Bill or by-law is trying to be passed by the government & why are they using this debate as a Decoy? Come on People, if the ad was about condoms, would there be as much of debate?
    Timmy's employees were probably asked to take an in-house poll before the decision was made!
    How many of those people who voted NO work in the OIL industry?

  • Kara Weeber - 9 years ago

    I was not surprised that Enbridge attempted to sway Canadians in their favor by infiltrating Canada's (although no longer Canadian owned) go to establishment for coffee. I myself do not drink coffee but have always found the Timmy Ho's coffee addiction to be an odd beast in itself. I will give it to Enbridge for the masterminds behind this latest attempt to win favors with Canadians. Just like I give it to the mastermind that thought removing kilometers and kilometers of islands from a video showing a wide open area for their tankers to get through and then when being called out on the deviousness of it, justify it by pointing out that it's clearly posted below the video that it is "not to scale". These guys will try anything to be seen in a good light. Unfortunately for them, people aren't that gullible, or stupid, to fall for such ridiculous and obvious tactics.

    I'd also like to comment on those who think ill of the company for removing the ads. Yes, we all are sucklers at the teet of the oil industry, that goes without saying, but y'all continuously try to throw that in our faces as if because we also depend on oil and gas, despite our objections to it, that makes us foolish for complaining against it. No. The reality is, we rely on the oil industry because many men, mainly old or dead now, chose this way of life for us. We did not have any say in that matter. They didn't know any better. We do, so we do what we can to bring to light the current problems and potential problems down the road as a result of our heavy reliance on oil and gas for our energy consumption. We see the problems that lie ahead, while others don't bother to look ahead. They accept what has been as the only way to continue the life they lead and accept no alternatives. They get rich at the cost of future generations rights to clean air, water and food. Yet, WE are the hypocrites?

  • M - 9 years ago

    I really feel people need to learn to make educated choices here in Canada. To understand the difference the oil industry makes in your lives and many others. Do you think magical tax dollars fund all the great social programs we have in Canada? The majority of taxes and even royalties paid to provinces such as Ontario and Newfoundland that people don't realize is startling. Educate yourself. And realize that when you boycott canadian economic contributers such as the oil sands and tim hortons, you are hurting the people of this country, you threaten jobs and you punish so many who will lose their livelihoods..and you threaten all the good that is created out of these. Please go take a look at the charitable contributions or the tax contributions to social programs of any oil company or tim hortons. And yes you may say they are minor in comparison to what they are making, but do you donate half of what you make? We are people who work for these companies, we have compassion, we work hard to work for our lives and to give back where we can. And the hatred spilled by so many people just makes me ask, what are you doing with your life to give back to those who need it? Will you help fund and take care of all the people who lose jobs, abilities to feed their families, etc if your campaign is successful? In my experience, those horrible oil sands you have talked about have taken care of so many people when they have needed it including its opposition. And yet I have a nagging suspicion that should it be reversed and all those who wished to see it fall were successful, we would get a petty "thats what you get for being associated with them". Don't judge us, dont judge our lives or our communities, until you can cast a stone and say you are better people then us not trying to make a living or using any products based off of the oil industry, just don't.

  • Johanna - 9 years ago

    Every person complaining about these tar sands and our oil and gas industries use them EVERYDAY! I have always thought it funny that our main resource is often on the end of abuse by the very same people me who rely on them!!! Tim Hortons like other companies recognize the importance in our resources and I am disappointed they caved so quickly. I will still drink Tim's but I hope they do the right thing and put their ads back up! boycotts work both ways so I am sure all those oil and gas folks who love Tim's, and there are a lot of them may decide to boycott the company.

  • A Paul - 9 years ago

    I can't believe people fall for the propaganda that Enbridge is here for Canadian jobs. It's disgusting to be manipulated like that, and Enbridge's pouring money into ads everywhere. I even get it on random websites and YouTube.

    Personally I feel it is a deep low for Tim's to have ads for the environment destroying development. They must have offered a boatload of money. I don't believe that money can be a sustainable business venture in the face of permanent pollution.

  • Frank Hurley - 9 years ago

    Tim Horton's should not be placing itself in the political arena for any issue. It is a large Service Industry that caters to every person in Canada regardless of age, religion, sexuality and political orientation and biases. It is obviously a move to attract more customers but it may very well backfire. Stick to selling coffee and donuts and providing a gathering spot for many adults who come to discuss sports, weather and the political hot topics of the day with friends, and this is where it should end.

  • Michael - 9 years ago

    Advertising costs companies money, and other companies make money from displaying advertising.

    If Tim Horton's decided, for whatever reason, that they no longer needed the money from Enbridge's ads, then it is their right to choose not to show them in their places of business. It is not the same as not accepting advertising from a specific organization or group of people for discriminatory reasons.

    Why must every little event because such a firestorm? There are certainly more important things going on in the world!

  • Susan - 9 years ago

    its a shame seeing as there are a lot of people who work in the oil patch that supports Tim Horton. I myself prefer mcDs coffee. The last coffee I got from Tims tasted like crap

  • Jeannie Martin - 9 years ago

    I am proud of you Timmy! I had boycotted and told everyone I know when I heard about the Enbridge ads. I now have great respect for your decision to pull those ads.! Thank you!! See you for coffee and a donut!

  • David Marshall - 9 years ago

    Stephan Taylor of Ontario DOES NOT TELL British Columbia that it is in "Canada's Interests" to have Enbridge Ads, which he obviously insinuates are pro-Northern Gateway Pipeline, on Tim Hortons TV. Ontario, or Alberta, for that matter, HAVE NEVER CARED ABOUT ANYTHING REGARDING British Columbia, in the half century that I have been alive.

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