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Do you approve of Baltimore's decision to provide free breakfast and lunch to all public school students?


  • Brenda Pinkett - 9 years ago

    Thank you Del. Keith Haynes for spearheading this very important legislation, I applaud you for your dedication and diligence in getting this law passed for the children, many who will only have these nutritious meals while in school. I can not believe that some people oppose this, but then again I am not surprised at the lack of compassion some people have even for children. Maybe your picture should have shown more diversity, and less of us , the polls may be less critical.

  • Kenneth Steuerman - 9 years ago

    The school lunches that kids receive are terrible. the government will never be able to gIve kids nutritious food unless hey put stay at home moms back in the kitchen and actually cook foe the kids like it was done in he 50'w and 60's

  • leo retrossi - 9 years ago

    Why not? Feeding kids for free should have been done long ago it`s overdue.

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