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Should Davina and Sean stayed together?


  • skylar - 9 years ago

    sean seemed to have some serious issues with self esteem from childhood never resolved. a little wimpy type. davina is too strong a personality for him.

  • J an Hall - 9 years ago

    I cant get over these two from the start Davina did this experiment for a show no family around did not care if e had family around it showed the type of person she was. Sean was trying his best he seem to be a caring person . Davina would not get a man to push around like how she behaved with Sean he did not deserved to be with a woman like this. I thought the two were paired nicely.

  • Mary Ann Kock - 9 years ago

    Sean seems like a really nice person and would have been willing to compromise about certain things. Davina is a bitch and needs to do some soul searching. Everything is/was about HER! She has some serious issues to face and deal with in her life.
    It would have had a chance if she would have stopped over analyzing everything. Thank god they did not have sex. That would have been an entire "episode" in itself.
    I am so happy to see the others TRY to make it work. I sincerely hope they succeed.
    Mary Ann in Aruba

  • Chad Of Hartford - 9 years ago

    These two were not able to budge, they were so uptight. Davina was so mean to him thinking he had to do all the flexibility in the relationship. I was oddly offended by here unwillingness to put out, as if it was all his doing. She deserves to be alone. ultimately they both chose their career and their past baggage.
    Typical NY chic -" But I just bought an apartment...", good luck girlfriend one day you'll be happy where you live with your cats. Good match up for this inspiring show but Davina is an empty well of need. Sean is a good catch for a women, he has a willing heart, especially in this generation. Keep looking Sean your a Good Man for Trying! Chad Of Hartford

  • Laura B. - 9 years ago

    I never comment about these things, but I feel very strongly about Davina and Sean. While Davina needs to learn how to budge and work with her significant other as well as concede she is not in control over anyone, I am very disappointed in Sean. When Sean discussed his promotion he had said that the promotion had been in the works for one and one half years. He also said that if he was given the promotion he would have to reside within one hour of the hospital. However, Sean did say that he would be willing to relocate for a spouse. I ask you, how could Sean then apply for this experiment and say that he could relocate for a spouse when he knew that he was in the running for this promotion and that he would accept it if it was offered to him. Additionally, he owned his home in New Jersey which he had no intention of leaving. Therefore I feel he went into this process fraudulently. Davina, for all that she is, was adamant about never leaving Manhattan. However, she was open to discussion when she told Sean that her plan was to buy her apartment then sell very lucratively and that perhaps at that time they would be ready for children and she would give serious thought to living in New Jersey to raise them. I was very disheartened to learn that Sean was not who he appeared to be. I believe that he gave up on he and Davina when more talk of the promotion began and he knew as he did before the screening process that he would accept it. I was disappointed in him and my opinion of him did a 360.

  • Ruth Spicer - 9 years ago

    It was clear to me right at the start that these two where not suited for one another. She gave impression that she was better than him and it showed.

  • Stephanie jones - 9 years ago

    She is soooooo stuck up and full of herself. He is such a nice guy and deserves so much better. She said something on a show about her boobs and getting whatever she wants well honey it's not about your boobs and obviously you can't get who you want!! Grow up you stuck up brat!!! He was way too good for you!!!!!

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