POLL: Do you think staff in high heels creates a sophisticated, “night out” dining experience?


  • Vicky krawchuk - 10 years ago

    I think the servers need to stand up together and refuse. If all the girls show up in flats. Will they send everyone home? Doubt it.

  • Emily - 10 years ago

    They make you wear heels even if you give them a doctor's note. They do not accept them.

  • Brandon - 10 years ago

    If you don't want to wear heels or you cant handle wearing them for that long, dont work at Moxies then. They have a dress code and a look they are striving for, So what..? There are plenty of other restaurants to go work at instead. I wouldn't want to have a job where I am required to wear steel-toe shoes as they are heavy and would make my feet to hot, I would simply find another job.

  • Rosalie - 10 years ago

    I Have eaten a number of times at Moxies at Market Mall and after spending most of my working life on me feet I sympathized with the girls and their hi heels and they all told me that they HAD to wear them That was the rule...Me thinks Moxie's is lying big time

  • Bunnie Watson - 10 years ago

    High heels are popular because men like the way women look in them - another example of the "male gaze" ruling over the comfort and health of women. Stilettos force your chest forward and your butt back in order to keep balance, so they appeal to guys and to women who are trolling for male approval. Women wearing heels is also a category of sexual fetish porn. I've seen stilettos referred to as "f**k me heels." And they are always part of the stereotypical uniform of showgirls, strippers and prostitutes.

  • Donna - 10 years ago

    I have no problem with staff being required to wear heels - as long as the male staff also have the same requirement.

  • Heather - 10 years ago

    It's forced me to quit my long time job just last week, unwillingly, because they refused to be flexible about the new policy to wear heals. I find these new trends in bar/restaurant environments to be completely unfair, sexist, unsafe, uncomfortable and flat out ridiculous.

  • Kim - 10 years ago

    I work for Dr. Russell at The Dalhousie Station Foot Clinic and high heels are fine for a night out but you never want to walk to far in them. You surely would never want to work in them on your feet for an entire shift on a part time or full time basis. It will do a number on your feet and injury will result. Definite workplace hazzard! Shame on Moxie's or any employer who requires you work in high heels!

  • Erica - 10 years ago

    It's not only terrible for your body to walk around in heels all day it's a health hazard in a restaurant setting. I've been in the industry for 15 years and it's a health and safety violation to be in a kitchen or a bar in heels. You must have no heels and closed to shoes. Going in and out of a kitchen to fetch orders or going behind the bar to grab drinks counts as violating that rule. I applied at Moxie's once and the only way to get out of wearing heels was a doctors note. We spoke about it during my interview because I've had spinal surgery. Granted they wanted me mainly for manager so I suppose my compliance to wear heels mattered less. Thankfully I would up working somewhere else.

  • xeres - 10 years ago

    High heels are extremely hard on the calves as well as the feet. The calf muscles must work overtime while wearing heels.These shoes are not meant for walking in; they are meant for posing and sitting at concerts and formal events.
    Carrying heavy trays of food and drinks adds to the stress on the feet and calves, but as I understand it all that matters is what guys like to look at.
    Plantar fasciiitis, bunions, shin splints, deformed feet, and low back problems are among only a few of the many problems that arise from stupid shoes.
    It's almost akin to the old Chinese foot binding.
    It has to stop, and only by speaking up against these practices will things change. Everybody, please keep talking about this!

  • Robert - 10 years ago

    I think the OH&S would agree that it is actually dangerous due to trip hazard problems.
    And I totally agree with Joanne when she says that the male managers should try an 8 hour shift in high heels. They would not be able to finish the shift even if they had massive painkillers to help.
    Moxie's is a family diner and has a pub for adults only but in this situation the girls are not supposed to be dressing like whores and aiming for a ruined back from the poor postures, blisters on the heels and corns or bunions ..... all for the sake of a perverted dress code that makes women look taller and walk with sexxy swaying ass

  • Joanne Thistle - 10 years ago

    Sitting here recovering from bunion surgery, literally, maybe the males in charge need to wear the heels and see how it feels. It causes nothing but foot, knee, hip and back problems.

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