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Will Red Sox Manager John Farrell Last The Season?


  • George G. - 9 years ago

    While Cherington should suffer the most for not recognizing the need for major league quality pitchers, Farrell has deployed his resources badly. Once they swapped Lackey for Kelly, they needed a special bull pen that could make up for a weak 3 inning pitcher. The other "candidates like Porcello are no better and the Sox would have to carry more bull pen than position players to make a run at 9 innings of pitching. Why did Farrell keep Kelly in against the Jays today unless he has lost all his short term memory? It may not have started as a Farrell problem, but he has used his weak staff badly and he deserves to be canned for that alone. It only seems unfair because hitters were slow to hit and Cherington failed to do his job. Cherington cannot recognize talent and Farrell does not know what to do with failing players. How can he explain keeping poor outfielders like Craig so long and NOT using Bradley who, at his worst was better than Craig offensively as well as defensively? 2012 looks more and more like a fluke. Don't wait until next year. The Sox will be booed in Fenway and crowds will stay away in droves. Reason enough?

    George G.

  • William Russo - 9 years ago

    Felger should have been fired years ago.

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