Does how you get paid affect how you drive? 


  • Jim Keifer - 9 years ago

    We are regulating truck drivers to the point of looking for other employment alternatives. You think America is short of drivers now.....There are things we can do to assist drivers in reducing wait time and increasing pay by being able to move more quickly than simply sitting, and sitting, and sitting. Regulate Shipper and Consignee load/unload time limits, remove lower truck speeds from cars, don't impact a driver's attentiveness by extending his day by 30 minutes for invalid reasons. Pay by the mile is not the problem, the inability to get drivers behind the wheel quickly is.

  • Mustang kid - 9 years ago

    Getting paid by the mile is fine,as long as you are getting paid enough by the mile,to me it's better than by the hour.

  • MW - 9 years ago

    Driving faster doesn't mean that your receiver will unload you any sooner once you arrive. That cost of burning that extra fuel hurts O/O and a company's bottom line.

  • Mike wetzel - 9 years ago

    Uu think by the mile is unfair, try it by %, and the company refuses to tell you how much it pays till u get your pay. Worked fir a big company out of e. Stl il that does rhis

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