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Should public service operators be penalised for going on flash strikes?

Total Votes: 845
1 Comment

  • Divya jhangiani - 9 years ago

    Taxis and auto strike in Mumbai
    Today when I was waking through regular road to my work , heard birds making chirpy noise ,which was not heard in this Mumbai city, then a wish came to my mind can this strike be continue for few more days or be it there for always, taxies and auto actually makes life difficult in Mumbai though its required for our daily transportation, There comes need for Mumbai to be more organized .car pooling msg was all on net world , but can we make this pleasure of one day to our daily routine , I would say it pleasure as there was less nuisance on road ,then helping in transportation , this gives question for Mumbai to be more organized in transportation there should be alternative ways for transportation ,problem is not of plenty , solutions is to be more organized which every way of transport we use.
    Divya Arora jhangiani

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