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Is this shirt offensive?

Total Votes: 1,373

  • dice daddy - 9 years ago

    Of course it is offensive. Isn't everything offensive these days, Come on people stay with the times!!!! You know what? After rereading my last comment I actually got offended!

  • charlie h - 9 years ago

    if he would take a portion of sales to help the two people it would be great and not seem like it is just something to cash in on at their expense

  • Janet - 9 years ago

    I don't think it is offensive but I do think it is very insensitive. Two young people had their lives changed forever due to these attacks. Maybe the decals were ordered before this happened but I think the store should have waited a while before releasing them. They are capitalizing on a horrible tragedy that happened to these 2 young people by releasing them now.

  • Jennifer M. - 9 years ago

    I cannot speak for Kiersten, on how she'd feel about the shirts...but she is a strong, confident, motivated #supergirl . It is in my opinion that she herself wouldn't find it offensive. She is totally aware that she was the victim of a shark attack. She also hasn't let that so get from LIVING! Everything happens for a reason, & she has God in her corner. Shark attacks have been happening for a very long time. When in doubt...ask her yourself. I'm almost positive Kiersten would answer the question fit you straight forward. ;) #teamkiersten

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