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Should South Carolina remove the Confederate flag from its capitol?


  • dwayne helmick - 9 years ago

    Wheres the Hell No button?

  • MPK - 9 years ago

    ONLY Racist talk about racism. Exactly, what year, day, time, was the ONE incident that made you, personally consider the Confederate flag racist? It's all Bull$^!+. They were Americans too. Maybe the Donkey symbol of Republican Party is RACIST too. Racist church-going President is Poison to the United States of America. I am proud of our history. Blacks make up 13.1% of this country. ARE YOU KIDDING???? How many of that number VOTE?

  • Rigo - 9 years ago

    If you allow the removal of the flag, you are allowing the government control you and turn you into a slave. If you believe it is a racial flag, then it simply means you are uneducated and should not blame those who do know it's history. If you allow Obama to do what he wants along with his puppets, then your next generations have no future or freedom as we know it.

  • Nathan Bedford - 9 years ago

    Being forced by a government to get along is an easy way to keep us busy n not focus on real issues. we arent going to get along. Get over it. We ARE different. If i want to fly that flag fine my Grandaddys before me fought bled n died for that. the fella next door can fly his flag too and so on n so on. UNTIL one of the neighbors puts up a fight about it. well the neighbors just a shot at my flag n i will not let that infringement on my freedom come to pass. ABSOLUTELY will fight for the South, my heritage, my people, my culture, my history and my fallen. If you dont like it then leave. Go where they let the gov decide for you. If likeminded Southerners got together thered be another civil war and thats why they wont let us join together under this flag or any other. War is coming. the south is going to be on firer in the next decade ifnot sooner. Sad. With all this diversity n tolerance around youd think the MINORITY would be tolerant. Golden Rule type stuff.

  • Jerry Bayer - 9 years ago

    The Grandsons of the Revolutionary War soldiers fought in the American Civil War. The grandsons of the Civil War soldiers fought in World War I. Nothing can be done today to change their historical actions. Leave the past alone; strive for a better tomorrow.

  • guest - 9 years ago

    More Confederate leaders were men of the Christian faith.

  • Eli - 9 years ago

    If people actually read about the civil war and stopped listening to the filtered propaganda that is touted nowadays that the confederacy were all racists, I feel like this wouldn't be as much of an issue. Read your history. Just because one loon decided to do something terrible does not mean that every person from the south who is proud of their heritage is a racist or a terrible person. All these labels that are wrought with group think without any rational thinking.

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