Do you support the decision to remove the Confederate flag from Virginia license plates?


  • EVE DAVENPORT HOLDER - 10 years ago

    If the SCV plates have to go, all specialty plates need to go. No more special plates for representatives, the governor, schools, colleges, wildlife fund, etc. What is done to one group needs to be done to all. Fair is fair.

  • Jessica - 10 years ago

    Leave the flag and license plates ALONE!! this country is going to end up off a shore somewhere if its up to this state

  • Luanne barnett - 10 years ago

    I feel the license plate should have been left alone.It is not racism it is an honor for a person to have this.You have to have an ancestor to qualify for the plate.Racism doesn't have anything to do with it, It is not right to do everything these people demand.This is a part of history and no matter what history should be honored and kept so people learn from it.This shows we have not learned to respect history.The black race has a problem with the Civil War but most do not know their history.You must realize history makes us who we are and how we act and doing this shows how wrong things are.I love the history and knowing my ancestors.

  • Barb - 10 years ago

    Ok so let's see the big difference removing the flag is going to make

  • Jack - 10 years ago

    The confederate flag is not racist, like 80% of the confederate states had no slaves. It i sad and scary at how blind people are, and how ignorant people can be. Do your own research, and create your own opinions.

  • J - 10 years ago

    Would someone please tell me if black lives matter so much why r they shooting each other all the time?

  • Jeff w - 10 years ago

    I see comments referring to "those people".
    Grow up and let the stupid flag go

  • REALAMERICAN - 10 years ago

    It all boils down to that they want everything their way. Don't fly your flag it offends us but they're allowed to go out and put an American flag on the ground then stomp all over it. You can search the Internet and find endless videos of them bashing whites saying we're the Devils and that blacks need to kill some white baby's. Next they'll want the American flag removed and have an Isis flag replace it.

  • Michael Williams. - 10 years ago

    I do not support the governor on this decision.

    I am a Confederate civil war re-enactor with the 56th Virginia Infantry and I can tell you that the flag does in no way whatsoever symbolize any form of racial hatred at all.

    The flag was originally used as a battle flag to tell Confederate troops apart from Federal troops and it's symbolism represents Saint Andrew's Cross which is currently the national flag of Scotland.

    Because the flag is a symbol it can be used for anything you want to use it for which is why it has been abused by racists.

    And what makes me angry is the fact that people seem to care more about a flag than the guy that went out and killed those poor people.

    Do some research on the flag if you don't understand!

  • Adam - 10 years ago

    The above a site actually conveys what those who bore this flag symbolized for them!

    It symbolized Slavery and their desire to keep the status quo which meant that Black people should have remained property: subjugated, beaten, raped, debased, terrorized, and murdered.

    The people crying to keep this flag must understand that they are also indirectly or perhaps directly endorsing this sick and reprehensible treatment of Black Americans.

    The flag is used by hate group, it is the ultimate racist symbol!

    Why should our State governments and our Federal governments be forced to placate to racists or forced to fly a flag and that stood for everything that was wrong with our country back then? It was a dark, dark, and hateful period!

    The social ills created by Slavery are still with us today.

    Though Slavery ended 150-200 years ago the South remained segregated, the stuck to their ways and denied freed slaves the rights bestowed upon them by the Constitution, they denied them voting rights, forced them to ride in the back of the bus, and incarcerated large numbers of blacks in order to disenfranchise them. All the while, the flag hung proudly all over the South!

    These are still problems plaguing our nation.

    So in 2015 when a 21 year-old psycho racist walked into a Church and shot 9 people and we see pictures of him waving this flag, those of us who have a conscience do not want to see the flag anymore in public spaces!

    I'm glad I supported Terry McAullife and get used to it Virginians from the Southern part of the state or other areas.

    In Northern Virginia we are very ashamed to associate ourselves with you all.

    We vote differently, we have different values, we have all the money here and we don't want the Confederare flag!

    Keep it in your house!

  • Adam - 10 years ago

    The above a site actually conveys what those who bore this flag symbolized for them!

    It symbolized Slavery and their desire to keep the status quo which meant that Black people should have remained property: subjugated, beaten, raped, debased, terrorized, and murdered.

    The people crying to keep this flag must understand that they are also indirectly or perhaps directly endorsing this sick and reprehensible treatment of Black Americans.

    The flag is used by hate group, it is the ultimate racist symbol!

    Why should our State governments and our Federal governments be forced to placate to racists or forced to fly a flag and that stood for everything that was wrong with our country back then? It was a dark, dark, and hateful period!

    The social ills created by Slavery are still with us today.

    Though Slavery ended 150-200 years ago the South remained segregated, the stuck to their ways and denied freed slaves the rights bestowed upon them by the Constitution, they denied them voting rights, forced them to ride in the back of the bus, and incarcerated large numbers of blacks in order to disenfranchise them. All the while, the flag hung proudly all over the South!

    These are still problems plaguing our nation.

    So in 2015 when a 21 year-old psycho racist walked into a Church and shot 9 people and we see pictures of him waving this flag, those of us who have a conscience do not want to see the flag anymore in public spaces!

    I'm glad I supported Terry McAullife and get used to it Virginians from the Southern part of the state or other areas.

    In Northern Virginia we are very ashamed to associate ourselves with you all.

    We vote differently, we have different values, we have all the money here and we don't want the Confederare flag!

    Keep it in your house!

  • Adam - 10 years ago

    Kudos to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe! The Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and racial hatred. Anyone that says otherwise is fooling themselves or just plain insensitive.

    The whole reason for the American Civil War, the single reason why the Confederate states sceded from the Union was because they wanted to keep the system of brutal Slavery in place. That is the tradition that the Confederafe flag stands for. Those who died on behalf of the Confederacy did so because they did not want to give up the system of Slavery. They believed it was right to subjugate human-beings just like them into forced labor, to rape them, to beat them, to denigrate them, and that thought this sickness they were engaging in was okay because they were superior. They even used the Bible in their defense. I ask this: Where in the Bible does it say it is okay or right for enslave blacks or anyone else in the manner that White peoples in the South did? The same flag is used by numerous hate groups in our country, it was used prominently during the times of segregation. To a lot of people it is offensive, painful, and simply an affront.

    To all those who say the flag is a symbol of tradition you are entitled your beliefs. You can have the flag hang from your home, you can have the flag memorialized in a museum(where it belongs). No one is asking you to give up your heritage or whatever the flag means to you.

    You're just being asked to put yourself in other people's shoes and see the rationale why the flag has NO place in public spaces: it has no place in government buildings, it should NOT be sanctioned by our Federal government or any State government for that matter!

    So since the State represents everyone and not just the Son's of the Confederacy or people who wish to cling to onto whatever meaning this flag has for them, it is the right of the State to not allow the flag to be on State grounds, on license plates issued by the State, or any other Government property or space.

    The State and our Government represents all or should represent all and I think most Americans agree that the Confederate flag has no place in our society in 2015 other than in a Museaum.

    It is apart of our country's history but it does not represent anything that we should be proud of so displaying it prominently is not only disgusting but morally reprehensible.


  • D.Armstrong - 10 years ago

    I am fed up with the government, making decisions for me without ?. Anyone with any sense should pay their exit taxes take what they have and get out while they still can and take their heritage also, because under the people we call our government doesn'the want the racism to stop because then people would be paying attention to them and what they are busy slipping in the backdoor and it's a done deal before you knew what hit. We are in a sorry state, in this country.If you think about it there are a lot of offensive things out there. When I find it offensive I look the other way . Every one has a right to their heritage in this country except the Confederacy. Read the bible it speaks of slavery ,rather we like it or
    not, and still hear about it happening today.

  • Mitch - 10 years ago

    Absolutely another ridiculous decision by our governor. This is nothing more than form over substance and a way to make himself and other liberals feel good about themselves. That flag is not what caused a sick person to carry out evil murders. Mr. McAuliffe, your focus is misguided. Why don't you direct your efforts to something meaningful, like trying to protect the lives of the vast numbers of unborn who meet the same fate as those worshippers in Charleston.

  • JT - 10 years ago

    People just need to take a CHILL PILL! The Confederate Flag is not a symbol of hate. If people will look at the history of this flag it represents Southern heritage. It is part of our American history whether we like it or not, and the schools and college campuses plus all Americans need to be taught the true history of this flag. Once that is done everyone will then realize it is not a symbol of hate or racism. It is a tragedy that certian IDIOTS will use this flag as a symbol of hate and racism like Roof did when he killed all those people in a church service!! Regrettably, there is racism in both blacks and whites and it needs to stop even all the way to Capital Hill who continue to stir this situation and make it worse. In Heaven there is NO color or race, and ALL need to learn that here on this earth! If an individual does not know how to not see color or race how is one going to be able to get along in Heaven??

  • Jess - 10 years ago

    What u guys need to learn is black owned whites as slaves and whites owned blacks I'm 1/4 Cherokee I don't go saying they white people pushed me off my land it's for heritage not for hate I am a DAR and Daughter of the Confederacy I'm not KKK I'm not racist but I guarantee u ill still fly the flag because I am a southerner y not just go turn over a confederate buriel ground that is what it sounds like ur gonna do it next.

  • K - 10 years ago

    With the rationale of many comments made, I guess it is appropriate for descendants of Nazis to parade swastikas and Nazi flags. Besides ideology, the thing rebels and Nazis share is they both got their asses KICKED!!! FOH

  • Brown - 10 years ago

    The war is over and you lost. You are sons of the confederacy because you still believe in what fore-fathers believed in so many years ago - SLAVERY. Even confederate money does not mean nothing today. God created all people - You need to read your Bible if you have one and see what God's word says. I pray that God will give you all a heart of flesh and that God can speak to you all. May God have mercy on all of you who supports the long ago confederacy.

  • Kevin K - 10 years ago

    Sadly, the flag represents a part of history that is a black eye on our country. And I honestly can't even begin to understand the glorification of it. The flag symbolizes treason. And to those who defend it: are you aware you're defending blatant and open racism?

  • David - 10 years ago

    All the people who want to flag removed are ignorant to the cause for which it stands. If anybody would go back and look at the history you would see that the US flag is a very much more oppressive symbol that any confederate flag. This is a sad day in our country but it is a day I've been telling people about for a long time was coming. They would ask me why do I fight to keep this flag ,and this is the exact reason ,,it's a right ,,,,it's our rights as Americans to make our own choices. The Sons of Confederate veterans owns the Confederate flag and they have never used to offend anyone or to spread hatred. The people that use the flag for that, use the US flag as well so are we going to take that down next ,,,,I think not,,,, but the media would like you to believe that the Confederate flag is the only symbol ever used in that context. Our churches will be the next thing they want to remove. I will never buy anything from a store that decided not to sell Confederate merchandise such as Walmart or Sears . This country is now full of nothing but cowards. Our ancestors warned us after the war about things like this , what do you think will happen about World War II ,we will be known as the wrong country just like how our great leader wants all of our children to think of us. This country died in 1865, that was the start of big government as we know it today just look at your history don't be blind read it and learn it

  • Ashley M. - 10 years ago

    Yes! So happy this is happening. That flag is a representation of hate.

  • Carol - 10 years ago

    I don't agree with this decision at all This flag is not a symbol of hate for any group of people. The Governor had no right to take away the freedom of his people to celebrate their heritage and celebrate the courage of their ancestors that fought for their country. I'm so sick of people thinking just because your a white person and you have a confederate flag that your a racist!!! THIS is a LIE that the media keeps making you believe. I'm sorry that the flag keeps getting represented in such a negative light like in South Carolina. That is not what the flag or Southerners that love this flag stand for or condone.

  • Buz Murrill - 10 years ago

    I call upon the Governor to immediately remove the University of Virginia license plate in all its forms. This divisive symbol is offensive to the Virginia Tech Hokies of our Great State. Even though we have come together in many ways (indeed, I have graduates of both in my family), its presence, especially around Thanksgiving, only serves to remind us of the history and battles that separate us. No need to remove the Hokies plates. The Cavaliers are, well, cavalier about it.

  • ning rowley - 10 years ago

    No. Please give respect, where respect is due. Confederate flags are the only left to remind the children of those whom have lost their lives wth that battle. Operative word is, children. Give them dignity & respect because they are after all, Americans " for which it stand one nation under God, indivisble liberty, and justice for all", there is No justice , nor individual liberty, nor justice for all if you start removing and censoring the evidence of mobile-insight history. Stop your madness! Confederate is part of United State of America NOT Germany. My husband is from Irish descent, I am a naturalized Pilipina. We have sons that two sons one was born in New York, and one was born right here in Virginia. They are now men and married, with 2.5 children and very respectful of everyone from start. We fully believed in respectfulness, fairness, and individual's right to co-exist. Please for God's sake do not beat up on our countrymen just because they happened to believed in honoring their dead by way of remembering them with their flags, confederate souveniers, and other paraphanelias that could never hurt anyone anymore. The past should stay in the past. But we must never forget our deads , and how they die. LET IT BE.

  • ning rowley - 10 years ago

    No. Please give respect, where respect is due. Confederate flags are the only left to remind the children of those whom have lost their lives wth that battle. Operative word is, children. Give them dignity & respect because they are after all, Americans " for which it stand one nation under God, indivisble liberty, and justice for all", there is No justice , nor individual liberty, nor justice for all if you start removing and censoring the evidence of mobile-insight history. Stop your madness! Confederate is part of United State of America NOT Germany. My husband is from Irish descent, I am a naturalized Pilipina. We have sons that two sons one was born

  • Vicki R - 10 years ago

    This is so wrong..but it's never gonna change, its just going to get worse! Some people must think some other people owe them something..they are wrong! Get over it and move on already!

  • Al - 10 years ago

    Should we also close the Museum of the Confederacy???

    Should we also tear down the monuments on Monument Avenue???

    Should we also rename Jefferson Davis Highway???

    Should we also rewrite the history o f our country???

    Or should we embrace our melting pot of a great country, the United States of America???

  • Theresa - 10 years ago

    No, I do not agree with this decision. I do not have a confederate flag but I respect the decision of those Americans who own one and want to display it. Either on their lawn or their license plates. What will be next?!? No baseball caps because someone finds them offensive? You cannot rewrite history. It is part of our heritage and I do not want to forget those brave men who fought in the war so MANY years ago and who lost their lives. They fought for what they thought was right and I admire anyone who stands up for what they believe in. We will soon become a Stepford nation if this dictatorship continues. Our Governor is not a dictator. He does not have the right to make choices for me on what my license plate says or what flag I fly. This scares me to death!!! I have many dear friends who are a different race from me and I would fight for their rights too. I think the phrase "suck it up buttercup" is too silly for this issue but, really, it's America people!!! Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE!

  • T Atkinson - 10 years ago

    So... The American flag is divisive too for some. Is it next?

  • Billy Wright - 10 years ago


  • Donna Thorne - 10 years ago

    This is stupid. The flag doesn't produce hate, the flag is part of our history, it's people like the Governor who follow others that produce hatred and division. Think for yourselves, stop following and stand for your rights and freedom. The Confederate flag is part of my VIRGINIAN HISTORY and removing it only gives into those who want to promote HATE AMONG US MORE.

  • Joan Zahn - 10 years ago

    So, if I understand it correctly, I've just lost another freedom... THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!! I'm sorry did someone sign us up for communism while I was sleeping last night?!

  • John 316 - 10 years ago

    It's about time. Long overdue. Let's be a united state not a divided state

  • Miles Turner - 10 years ago

    I am now sorry I voted for him. He was doing such a good job.

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