Do you approve of plans to rename Robert E. Lee Park in the wake of renewed national concerns over Confederate symbols?


  • Joseph B Smith - 8 years ago

    Seems "We the people", well atleast a minority of, have forgotten what Liberty is all about, and that our nation is governed with a representative republic system to protect the people in the minority from having their rights trampled on by a majority or atleast the loudest group of citizens reacting with a mob mentality. Controversial Speech, Offensive speech, even hateful Speech is the speech we need to fight to protect because it's not hard to protect speech the majority agree with but one day your speech may be the speech being attacked by these over sensitive, embarassments to our Flag, Fore Fathers, and Country

  • Rebecca Roberts - 9 years ago

    Robert E Lee worked very hard for Maryland. Today's politicians have forgotten that it was them that called out for the people of the states to aid the Confederate states. Those soldiers, including Lee, did their duty and served. It's the politician's continued duty to honor their previous call in the absence of the soldiers today. REMEMBER THEM that you asked to serve you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Redneck Billy - 9 years ago

    No. If you want a redneck army after you lil dumb yankees your gonna get one from Canada and the South. So there's no where to run your boxed in. Might as well tap out or prepare to die.

  • Terry Klima - 9 years ago

    Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz should air condition Baltimore County Schools, instead of trying to rename a park Elizabeth Garrett White funded as a Memorial to Robert E. Lee. If you don't like the name Kevin, give the money back to the Garrett-White Estate! Politicians are great at using other peoples money, for purposes other than intended, when they have no skin in the game!

  • Terri - 9 years ago

    This won't change or stop racism, it makes it worse. This shit is ridiculous!!

  • Hank - 9 years ago

    Maryland IS a Southern state. "Maryland, My Maryland" is about the "despot's heel" of Lincoln. It now could refer to Obama an the Supreme? Court. Hell no, don't change the name, nor change anything about any of the monuments in city.

  • Patricia Marie - 9 years ago

    No absolutely NO NAME CHANGE...this history effects us all...I am a native to Florida, but have been residing in as a native Southerner living in your city of Baltimore...I find this unacceptable for our history and heritage to be attacked in this manner...I will not accept this and will continue fighting for our rights from here in Baltimore...I am banding together with those citizens in the South...they have been made aware of what's going on here in Baltimore...along with the rest of the fine people who see this as an injustice as well!

  • Andrea Akers - 9 years ago

    Robert E Lee went to West Point and served in the Army of the United States until he reluctantly joined the Confederate Army. To remove symbols of him is to negate his service.

  • hick - 9 years ago

    I live in the north but if their is another civil war I will fight for the south

  • nina - 9 years ago

    Some people just need to grow up im a 20 year old soldier an id have to say if they erase everything to do with the conferderacy they are gonna have another civil war in their hands an this time government will be the ones to fall. Get obama the fuck out of office. Bettet yet have him leave the states so that way his arrest warrents in other countries go thru an he can be tried for treason an war crimes just like bush

  • Tom Cooik - 9 years ago

    Blacks should start reading. I started to say, "reading what is written by intelligent black people", but they should first just start reading. Kevin Jackson writes a blog called the Black Sphere--it is well-thought out and always reasonable. Most blacks I know never heard of Professor Walter E. Williams, a black economist who writes a terrific syndicated column. Blacks never read Dr. Thomas Sowell, another very intelligent syndicated economist, and black. The Reverand James David Manning speaks to blacks in ways they should be able to understand and he speaks truth, unlike the criminal obama, and the fools of the NAACP who constantly whine, "I'se a victim." It is past time for blacks as a group to grow up.

  • Kathy Abernathy - 9 years ago

    If they're gonna erase Southern heritage, we need to erase all other heritage, too... Northern, Jews, black, Hispanic... ALL of them.
    They also want to destroy the face of Stone Mountain here in GA.

  • nina - 9 years ago

    If we "erase" the Confederacy, we bring disgrace to all the men who gave their lives in battle for the Union and the South. If we "erase" the Confederacy, can I have my dead Confederate relatives back, or will they be dug up and tossed in the ocean as if they never existed ?

  • Mississippi Pride - 9 years ago


  • Thomas - 9 years ago

    I kinda feel like streets being named Martin Luther King blvd are starting to offend me. Who do i talk to about this?

  • Niles Clark - 9 years ago

    Robert E. Lee didn't even own slaves. But Ulyses S. Grant did until he died. And if you don't believe it check the census' after 1865.

  • Clint woodworth - 9 years ago

    The mayor is doing anything she can to draw attention from the fact that she messed up doing the Riots. Robert E lee was a great general and a great if slightly flawed man. The park was built with money donated with the understanding that it was to be named after him. Sorry Mayor find something else to mess up.

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    The American Taliban has Risen

  • david hoffman - 9 years ago

    What do we do next rewrite history ? Changing names parks is not going to stop the hatred. Communication , education and time will help.Most of all we need too stop the stupidity!

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