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Are you concerned about a terrorist attack in Canada?


  • Madi - 9 years ago

    Sometimes I worry, but we cannot show the Deash that we are afraid of them. We need to start calling them Deash instead of ISIS. Words matter. They are not a state, calling them a state gives then more power. We are not powerless to them, the possibility of an attack is scary as hell but we do not show them that they are more powerful. We do not give it to their social media attacks, we do not lash back. We live our lives the same way we would if nothing was happening. We carry on so that our children and young generations have something to learn from. Justin Trudeau needs to be doing more extensive background checks on refugees coming to Canada. This is our country too and I thought he was for the people. The people of your country, Mr. Trudeau, are incredibly concerned and scared.

  • kim cottoy - 9 years ago

    I can definitely say that my whole life I felt safe in Canada and now not so much knowing Justin plans to bring refugees here not knowing what they r capable of doing to us. I'm scared shitless, I have 4 young kids to protect and keep safe and I don't know how todo so iif anything happens here...we need toput a stop to it and save our country and everyone here. Use the money to help the homeless and provide housing for ppl who need it as well better health care instead of putting our country and lives at risk. Canada can do so much better then this. Isis said Canada is the next to go down and everyone is gonna die here well Justin is helping them along if he goes on with it...I'm so disappointed...please help our country to keep it safe for everyone here..

  • Twylla - 9 years ago

    It would be silly to think we would be safe and not considered a target.

  • Susan J. Watson - 9 years ago

    I definitely know that attacks will happen at some point but at the same time I refuse to live my life in fear of cowardly "humans" who attack innocent people. If we do that, then they have already won. When (not if) something happens, I will fight back hard with anything and everything I have for my daughter, my family, my friends, anyone who Is near me and myself as well.

    We all need to stand together with every ounce of strength we have to say: Not here!!! You may attack but we will be coming after you just as hard.

    If everyone does that we have a great chance. Yes, innocent people will die but so will they.

    If most people stick their heads in the sand, don't have some preparation for when it happens as simple as: food, water, medications, pet supplies, anything else you need in case we are told to stay in our homes or to move somewhere close for safety like the plans in place for when the big earthquake hits as it will. It could happen today or 200 years in the future. Don't obsessively worry about any of this. You can't stop it. Work together helping each other, standing strong and together for our freedom or we are doomed.

    It's as simple as that.

    We already know there are many here waiting for the right time. They are training for what they will do when that time comes. We know many of the places that are planned targets. We also know they will attack restaurants and other places which we will have no idea where they will be and can't be planned for so let's just use the information we do have to be as ready as we can.

    Other than that? My life goes on as usual. They are not going to take my life away from fear before anything even happens. I don't play that way.

    I am a peaceful, kind, law abiding citizen just trying to get by as a single Mom to my daughter. The both of us live with disabilities. That's more than enough to deal with now then to let scum like this try to take away the happiness that we do have as we are mostly on our own for everything making just getting by hard enough as it is.

    I teach her to live with the same values I have so she is not fearful. People are more likely to die in a car crash than they are by an act of terrorism so does that mean we will never get into a car ever again? Of course not. One of my favourite sayings: Use your common sense!!! If something feels wrong, either a person or a situation, get yourself out of there. Listen to your gut feeling. It can tell you a whole lot but only if you are willing to listen to it.

    Live life!!! Don't live in fear or you are already a victim!!!

    Susan and Carly

  • chloe - 9 years ago

    Nowadays its so unexpecting anything could happen it scares me

  • Annette - 9 years ago

    Watching world and Canadian News Reports I see that seemingly every country on the planet is being harassed by terrorist missions. I can hardly believe the terrorists will not attack Canadians. There has been attempts as in the the group planning to decapitate our Prime Minister, the pair that planed to blow up a mall, the Islamist, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, who attacked the Canadian Parliament and murdered Nathan Cirillo. A man used his car to run over two Canadian soldiers in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, killing one.. We have already been targeted, there is proof of young people being radicalized. Yes I am worried!

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