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Who's your favorite guy in "Winx Club?" (Poll Closed)


  • Rumell Khan - 4 years ago

    WHY ISN'T TIMMY NEAR THE TOP? He is so better than the others.

  • Julie7WinxLuver - 9 years ago

    Helia's been so funny in the newer episodes, I love him in season 7 ♥ . Lol

  • Flora+Helia4ever - 9 years ago


  • CHess - 9 years ago

    Helia is bae

  • Lady Donna Royce - 9 years ago

    I really like Helia very much. He is a rather quiet, smart and brave young man. He would rather talk things out and be peaceful, but, But! and then again BUT! When push comes to shove, he can fight and protect the people and places he loves just as well as the other Specialists, if not better.

    He and I think along the same lines except that I am more like Musa then anything. I dearly love music and singing and like Musa, I know for a fact that there is energy in music that can be tapped into and used in Magick! (Magick = Old English spelling!) I have been using the energy in music since I was ten years old and I am 58 now. So, I have been at it for 48 years now and it is just as much fun now as it was then!

  • sandy - 9 years ago

    i like helia but i also like timmy and nabu

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