What do you think? Do police need more Tasers?


  • Alison Beil - 8 years ago

    Simple answer - NO - police did not ever NEED Tasers or any other sort of electricity-imposed "control" devices or weapons. They had guns and can still use those. Perhaps they could claim they wished for something like a cattle-prods to use in controlling wild animals or threatening dogs and other dangerous pets that errant civilians have at times abandoned and failed to control - that would be different - but even were a vetrinarian needed to identify whether a bullet-killed animal was ever licensed it would certainly be less costly than the injuries and harm and deaths police have caused with TASERS. Some have electrocuted human beings as though it was their right to impose extra-judicial execution with "portable electric chairs". It is a faithless claim that police have made saying they "need Tasers". What police need is the right to testify to their faith if they have faith - by appealing to God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and to be able to testify to the Truth of facts in courts that recognize that NEED as a human right. No one needs police who merely affirm their opinions with their own mercenary motives poorly informed by their unions and Taser International, renamed now "Axon Inc." - a profit motivated private corporation!

  • Alison Beil - 8 years ago

    I have reported loss financially in TAX Court in Alison Beil v. Her Majesty heard on May 16, 2017 - caused to my estate as a direct result of completely unlawful trespass of four Saanich constables in Regina v. Coughlan, Cripps, Douglas, and Luhowy, on January 12, 2005 - they assaulted and Taser-attacked my employee who has since also survived and received care-giving by me and testified as my witness in TAX Court. I also reported complete loss of confidence in the Policing of the municpality of Saanich BC, which apparently hold no liability insurance sufficient to deem it's police not criminals in carrying a non-authorized Taser into private property in a concealed undeclared manner. The stay of that criminal case against municipal constables is completely unjustified. The Judicial system civilly in BC Supreme Court is unable to hear claims from tortured deceased citizens, or survivors - Justice G. Parrett dismissed an attempted claim on Sept. 1, 2009 which was launched while the criminal hearing and sentencing remains stayed from process hearing - by a deputized Crown Prosecutor - who I have reason to suspect is compromised by nepotism in association with the BC Police Complaint Commissioner. Therefore, I claim that there is NO COMPETENT COURT anywhere in the Province of BC to render any justice for myself and the attack survivor - so was forced to have to appealed for a decision from TAX Court - currently waiting for the Judge to advise.

  • Mrs. Alison Beil - 8 years ago

    It is shameful that police were ever permitted to import Tasers into Canada before there was any proposed legislation or debate in Parliament or any legislatures about it the risks. We have a Canada-wide health care law that is provincially managed - broken and bankrupted and caused to fall into deficit funding because municipal police were so dishonest in claiming that Tasers were "safe" and pretended falsely that they had not used Taser's weapons against all International Laws for their own purposes of Torturing the very citizens who have paid taxes to support better policing. Numerous municipal police are guilty - only one RCMP was found guilty in the homocide and attempted cover-up of the death of Robert Dzieskanski. Torture is a treasonous crime and it should not be permitted any defence as the Criminal Code directs - and it must be sentenced to the full requirements of Canada's Federal Criminal Law system of Justice.

  • Sandy - 8 years ago

    How would the police know if someone has a heart condition. They could kill someone and then get away with murder. Can they not use the bean bag instead. I think that would stop you in a minute instead of taking a chance someone had a health issue. There has been people that have died from this.

  • Mark Reed - 9 years ago

    Tasers are horrible! We are people, not robots or machines. We should only use tasers if someone is on a mass shooting spree. Too many cops nowadays are taser-happy and don't care if they hurt someone or not. This reminds me of the tortures the Nazi's did back in WWII. We should not be torturing anyone these days. Cops would do well to remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  • anonymous - 10 years ago

    there are many other proven options police can use to subdue someone before a taser or gun is needed and either should only be used when an officer is threatened by a similar weapon. A taser/gun does not demand respect unlike a trained experienced officer can, unfortunately most police are lacking in the trained/experienced area.

  • Anon - 10 years ago

    Yeah clearly shooting the person with a gun is the better choice.

  • Some Dude - 10 years ago

    Tasers should only be used on cops and the people that voted yes.

  • Karen Galligos - 10 years ago

    Why are police officers allowed to taser epileptics? The police know this man and that is is subject to grand mal seizures and they still taser him.

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