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Do you agree with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage?

Total Votes: 863

  • Don - 9 years ago

    The Supreme Court is influenced by a "COMMUNIST BASTARD". They know what's right,but can't make ole -bummer look bad. // They could have put an end to this "MANDATORY -UN LAWFUL ,AND SOCIALISTIC healthcare. I'm not gay,so I don't know about gay marriages - But I was taught that Marriage was between a man and a women. I don't understand why a man would want to be with another man~ same with women.

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    MIKE:- Think of what you wrote as your lying on your death bed at the end. The bible is the last word. A man does not sleep with a man nor a women with a women.

  • $$ - 9 years ago

    America sucks and if things don't change soon, America will suck even worse.

  • brian - 9 years ago

    Like I have said before their just like the immigrants put them all on a boat push it out to sea with a slow leak and let the fish have some food with everything that's going on in the world today we are so doomed let climate change get here and clean the world of these sick people the straight people will rule in the end.

  • Jack Smith - 9 years ago

    I am sick and tired of the Supreme Court telling us what is right and wrong it is for the majority of americans. To decide not some nitwit to tell America what to do.

  • brian - 9 years ago

    Like I have said before their just like the immigrants put them all on a boat push it out to sea with a slow leak and let the fish have some food with everything that's going on in the world today we are so doomed let climate change get here and clean the world of these sick people the straight people will rule in the end.

  • Rick - 9 years ago

    While I have no issue with gay marriage the Supreme Court justices take an oath to defend the Constitution. This is where I have a problem with this ruling as the federal government is limited by the Constitution to certain specific powers. We have seen gross overreach by the executive and legislative branches and now with the latest rulings the court has seen fit to violate their oath.
    Amendment X
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Amendment XI (1795)
    The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

    The grand experiment in freedom by These United States is being systematically destroyed.

  • mike - 9 years ago

    Its clear to me,that we have a lot of people that still hang on to religion and haven't educated themselves to the real world. I truly wish humans in our state would get into the 21st century. You cant deny rights to one group and allow to another. How would you feel if a law was passed to allow Catholics to worship but not Baptists? Its a fundamental right if you live in our country,the court recognized that. You can disagree but cannot deny their rights under the law. Churches can refuse to marry,but,local government or state cannot.

  • Thea - 9 years ago

    I wish I could say I'm surprised that Maine still harbors so many bigots, but I'm really not. It's sad how many people feel the need to stick their nose in the business of two consenting adults.

    And Greg, the vast majority of child molesters are heterosexual men -- yes, even the ones who hurt boys.

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    Have you seen the new Wells Fargo lesbian commercial? Not a smart move. Absolutely disgusting. If I banked with them I would be moving my money ASAP.

  • Brad - 9 years ago

    Once again the supreme court is making it's own laws. ( very dangerous)

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    I only worry about religious rights, and the right of children to have a family member of each sex. Religious right of action according to the bible, and a Child associates with both sexes. It's changing our children already with the increased divorces, and single mothers. Both parents having to work all are having an affect on our kids. We don't need to add more problems. Anybody noticing the number of kids in trouble now?

  • Den - 9 years ago

    What will be next ?

  • Rocky - 9 years ago

    Love the sinner....NOT the sin.

  • jim - 9 years ago

    Right or wrong it should have at least been a national vote.

  • Greg - 9 years ago

    The law was pushed through 3 times,the people had to get signatures to get it on the ballet and the people voted it down not once but twice and dear oh Gov.Baldacci pushed it through again after the people spoke twice not to have it.What the sense on voting if they are going to do it anyway.Marriage is between one man and one woman you people want to be gay and all that so be it the constitution covers everyone.God did not make Adam and Steve God made Adam and Eve .You are a bunch of twisted freaks what legal next? child molesters?? Its going to happen with the gay troop leaders of boy scouts

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