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Will you still tip servers and bartenders once their wage reaches $15 an hour in 2018?


  • Reg Woodcock - 9 years ago

    As the server wage goes up, employers are raising the amount of the tip pool that the servers pay into. If guests stop tipping servers will stop serving because we would end up making far less than minimum wage. My current employer has increased the tip pool at the restaurant I serve at from 2.5 to 3.25 percent of total sales. So in reality no raise was given.

  • Leann - 9 years ago

    There is more than just a smile and a good parting comment that goes into giving good service to a customer. I have noticed lately that some customers expect you to practically cut up their food/feed them and pay for their meals to be happy. If you're in a bitchy mood, don't come into a restaurant and expect to take it out on the servers they work very hard. There is more than just your table that your server accommodates!

  • Leaha - 9 years ago

    unless you have served or bartended you don't know how hard it is and all the shit we have to put up with from customers. Not every customer tips and I think it is bullshit the we have to be reliant to make it in life by other people giving us extra money. Some people are saying "go to school, get a real job." If you haven't noticed that cost money that a lot of people don't have available to spare because we are all adults that have a lot of bills. I'm sorry if anyone disagrees with me but this is merely just my opinion.

  • Robyn - 9 years ago

    I can't believe the stupidity of the NDP Government. I am a business owner, the only thing a $15/hr wage increase is going to accomplish is to make small business lay off employees. That is a cost of about $10,000 per yer per employee. I know my business could not handle handle that extra expense and I would have to lay off at least one person! Way to go Rachel!

  • Nat - 9 years ago

    As a server we make the 9.20 min. The tips we make go to the kitchen, bar and hosts. We get a small percent of our tips plus we stop getting paid after so many mins of being cut. If we made 15$ an hour we wouldn't need tips, but its a polite/great way to say thank you. I just hope the costs of everything else doesn't go up.

  • Shirley scholz - 9 years ago

    The concerns over this wage increase is unprecedented. $15.00 wage 3 years from now is probably going to be behind other provinces. Meat prices and food cost are beyond the cost of living increases in today's daily living. $8 per shift will not even pay for parking or transport for an 8 hour shift. A 6 oz glass of house wine is $8 today in many restaurants.

  • Greg - 9 years ago

    Our greatest fears are comming to fruition as the NDP have started destroying the Alberta economy. Only three more years....three more years.

  • mike - 9 years ago

    Tips are based on the service the food server gives..not how much they make for a wage.

  • Michael - 9 years ago

    I guess the custodian will be let go and the staff will have to do all the janitorial work .

  • Christy - 9 years ago

    They wanna make more money they should go back to school. I don't make tips at my job why should they get tips at theirs. Hopefully this means the journeyman wage in the trades and every other occupation increases as well. Most companies wont make it cause they can't afford to pay people.

  • Glen belbeck - 9 years ago

    That would be a 50% increase so my tips will go down to something closer to 15%

  • Wayne - 9 years ago

    Prices will go up and as a senior I won't be able to afford a beer at the pub.

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