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What do you think of the changes to the Canadian Citizenship Act?


  • Carlos Vargas - 9 years ago

    I just read the long, very long, sad and apocalyptic version of what he believe, "wrongly" the problem of Canada, He accused the "LEFTIST" of Canada has rotten our country, I really would like to understand what he is talking about, Left in a political language are people opposite to the Right, the Right is the ideology of the conservatism in all their spectrum, Capitalist is the tool of the Right wing. so far I do know Canada is ruled by a Capitalist System. so my friend Mr Dick, you are lost on time, you are talking like the Communist and Socialist of Canada have so much power that have change our system ! Your long, very long complaint, sound like you got stuck in the time of the cold war. I suggest you before writing long stories, study a little more about politics or wake up to the post cold war time, even pass the time of the Capitalism, we are living in a new era, Globalization, where the corporations tell the political parties what to do for their own benefits, not for the country, nor for you or me, not for the good nor the bad, by the way, the dirty job is done by the bad not the good, Mr. Dick

  • Christopher Dick - 9 years ago

    For too long, the regressive left have been pushing their views upon the people of this country. For too long, we, as a society, because of these regressive leftists, have been more concerned about the perpetrators of crime, and ignoring, even punishing the victims of crime. The justice system of Canada is not a justice system, it is a pure legal system, far more caring that the rights of the most dangerous, most evil citizens of this land and foreign lands, be treated as more importantly than the law abiding, moral, honest people of this land.
    This country of Canada has natural resources that should be sufficient for the people of Canada for generations to come. This country of Canada has sufficient manpower and employable persons to maintain the standard of living that most of us have come to enjoy - however, our social left has created a false utopia in having people feel that they are often better than they truly are, that people should not have to work and participate, but rather should put the hand out and demand handouts as a given right. The social left has basically nearly destroyed the will of people to believe in themselves, and the belief of participating for the greater good, since everything is now me, me, me, rather than we and us.
    The levels of immigration that we have are far more than we should need - but we are forced to take this because the lefties have made so many people self-serving, demanding, selfish and rude. Even our social elite like to be in the midst of photo ops, showing how they donate thousands of dollars to the poor (and this is donated to organizations, very rarely directly to the poor themselves), but will walk away and push these same poor people away. These social elites want to believe they are superior, but the reality is much different.
    We do not require the levels of current immigration at all, except by decades of social engineering to make us believe it is required. If people wish to join Canada, then they should be coming here to be Canadian, not just to take advantage of what we have here, after generations of toil by our forbearers, who used to have a much more entrepreneurial belief in what it took to create a society.
    We, as a Canadian society have removed capital punishment from our courts decades ago, but what has that brought us? We still have multitudes of murderers, rapists, thieves - those who prey on the weak, time and time again. One may point to the south, such as Texas and show that Capital Punishment does not work - but that is because social engineering continues to interrupt and invade the process, so it of course does not work. But why do we need to keep these vile people locked up in prisons? Why do taxpayers have to continue to be taxed for these vile individuals to be locked up? For our protection or theirs? And even worse, are those from other countries, who pretend to want to be a part of Canada, but only to pick and choose what they want from Canada. Absolutely remove any kind of citizenship from any former foreign national who chooses not to live forward within Canada. How can that even be questioned? Easily, because the leftists with their social engineering have decayed our society into believing it is wrong to tell a bad person that they are bad.
    It is wrong to spank a child. It is wrong to allow a victim of crime to read a victim impact statement in a courtroom where their convicted assailant is being sentenced. It is wrong to not leave a citizen of convenience to face whatever happens in their true homeland if a war breaks out. It is wrong to let a Canadian who commits a crime in another country to face punishment and sentence in that country. Why is all this wrong? Because our recent generational social engineering by the left has educated us to believe it is wrong.

  • Carlos Vargas - 9 years ago

    Marion, I feel very sad to see how the actions of a Political Party who is running Canada with minority of support can do so much damage to the country and people that has served like your Family member, I'm very sure the new Government will have to REVOKE, all this insanity committed by this Conservative Government. NPD could be the most likely to reverse all this wrong doing.

  • human - 9 years ago

    I do not mind this bill if it will really stop those born in Canada from being terrorists, supremacists, spies. They can commit these shits and still keep their citizenship!!!. Is that the equality mentioned in Canadian constitution?. So, the point here is not terrorism or espionage, it is the dual citizenship. Ok, why do you grant citizenship without asking the person to give up any other nationality he had???...Are you aiming to make him spy for you their or what???. Immigration website still calling people to Canada without telling them you can not keep your nationality and be Canadian why?. Either you need these people with all their good and bad sides or stop asking for more immigrants and refugees, very strange concept indeed. it is very clear that who passed this bill has taken terrorism and espionage as a cover to mislead the Canadians from its real aim. Its a hidden discrimination for people who do the same duties and taxes as those born in Canada and it violate the constitution. Here is the Canadian Constitution:

  • Marion Vermeersch - 9 years ago

    I had my Canadian citizenship removed in 2003, for being a child of a Canadian WWII soldier and his War Bride: still don't have it back but, if I ever do, I will be a dual citizen. I cannot change the fact I was born in England during WWII and cannot lose that citizenship. My children automatically have British and Canadian citizenship due to my birth there, making them now into second-class citizens. My husband's family emigrated to Canada from Belgium after WWII because of war service given and became dual citizens as that is one of the countries where you still maintain citizenship: he is, thanks to the new law, now a second-class citizen. We have all worked here our entire lives, paid all our taxes and otherwise contributed, not even travelling abroad. Yet today, our government claims that there were no Canadian soldiers in WWII, that none of us ever should have been given that Canadian citizenship in the first place, and now demotes us to second-class or, in my case, still hoping for future restoration. Something is really wrong, I think, and this legislation unfairly targets millions of Canadians who are (they may not know it) or could be dual citizens of somewhere. And in 2004, the post 9/11 paranoia that caused the stripping (no court, no notice) of citizenship created the need for legislation in 2009 and now 2015 to restore it to some of them and reverse the stripping, That caused great expense and time and opportunities wasted for so many people. I do not see how this protects anyone: we already have a criminal justice system which could deal with the real threats to our safety.

  • Bev March - 9 years ago

    I and most long time Canadians assumed this is the way it always was. About time the oversight was fixed. Canadian citizenship needs to be meaningful and provide protection as well as responsibility to be law abiding. If you commit crimes against Canada you should lose your privilege of citizenship. It is called treason. If we had enforced this concept we wouldn't have to harbour Canadian terrorists who's citizenship was obtained under false pretences. This change is overdo and likely doesn't go far enough. Only those with alternative motives would be against having Canadian citizenship mean something of value.

  • Eric - 9 years ago

    This Act applies to those who choose to retain their original citizenship while at the same time becoming a 'Canadian'. My contention is you're one or the other; not both. If you have such strong ties to the country from which you immigrated, why bother with Canadian citizenship? Oh, yes, the OAS (Old Age Security)and GIS, (Guaranteed Income Supplement) both of which are available to those who qualify under age and residency requirements, NEVER HAVING PAID A DIME IN TAXES. And if you're a dual citizen and are convicted of terrorism, you have disrespected this country and broken your Oath of Citizenship.
    Contrary to your narrative, there appears NOT to be strong opposition (74% in favour at this point) other than from lawyers and immigration consultants. I have people close to me who are immigrants (now citizens) and strongly support the new law.

  • Frank Wilkins - 9 years ago

    No duel citizen ship. Either you want to be Canadian or not. This process of accepting folks from other parts of the world where they want to keep a line to the old country will stop. Thank you bill c-24.

  • Laurel Roberts - 9 years ago

    If somebody would just say that if a person born in Canada, without citizenship in another country, turns to crime abroad, we would feel just the same. We would love to revoke their citizenship. But it is international law that a person must not be without a citizenship, so we're stuck with them. However, if they are convicted elsewhere of what would not be a crime here, that must be an exception to the law. They should be welcome home. This bill makes Canadian citizenship for immigrants something to be treasured and respected. Those of us born here should do the same.

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