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How Old Do you Think the Mane 6 Are?

Total Votes: 16,205

  • Lucifer Apollyon - 9 years ago

    I seem to remember when the series started that Lauren said the Mane 6 were between the ages of 12 and 17 years old and she figured this because of how differently equines matured. So, if Fluttershy is the oldest she would have been 17 at the show's start and quite likely 18 now because only a year has passed in the past 4 seasons. Pinkie is 17. Rarity and Applejack are likely 15 and 16 with Rainbow Dash and Twilight bringing up the rear at 14 and 13 because I see Twilight as the youngest. So, teenagers.

  • Arlie - 9 years ago

    @scifipony: If Pinkie Pie is 20 then Fluttershy should be 21, because Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie Pie.

  • scifipony - 9 years ago

    I agree with some posters, that the poll may well correlate with the age of the person answering the poll. Since I'm in my mid-fifties, this isn't true for me.

    Here is my intuition on ages at the start of the series. Add 2-4 years for season 5.
    RD 17 (has a barely graduated high school wants to join the army vibe)
    Fluttershy 18 (based on canon being 1 year older than RD)
    Twilight 20 (a college student, possibly an prodigy graduate student)
    Pinkie 20 (random demonstrations of competence vs immaturity)
    Applejack 22 (due to her failing athleticism and prior ribbon at rodeos in last round-up)
    Rarity 26 (due to owning an established business and twenty-something attitude).

  • SwissBrony - 9 years ago

    Bob remember they lived in 3D world not in 2D,
    the cake have cilindrical slice not a lot of square 2D slice because
    if realy is that Rainbow Dash didn't flown around the cake but
    jumped like in 2D Mario World.

    They are much older because aren't human,
    and other that not all species grown up same,
    for example unicorn have much more longevity and alicorn are extremly durable,
    for example celestia have 1500 year or more and loocks like young-adult (1).

    Another thing, 1 equastria year isn't equal to 1 earth year,
    they have similar seasons but alot different of earth because
    all are artificial, the pony control the weather, seasons, rise of sun,
    rise of moon and sometime the winter is much longer (2)(3).

    *Sorry for my mistakes, I don't speak (and write) very well English.

    3. Season 2 Episode 11

    §Bob - 15 hours ago
    §Rainbowdash is @ least 21 years old. You can count the # candles on the birthday cake in Pinkie Pride.
    §Fluttershys a yr older than pinkie.

  • Bob - 9 years ago

    Rainbowdash is @ least 21 years old. You can count the # candles on the birthday cake in Pinkie Pride.

    Fluttershys a yr older than pinkie.

  • Simonbob - 9 years ago

    According to Lauren Faust, they are "young adults with the maturity of teenagers." So even though they might ACT like teens at times, they're clearly grown-ups. Plus, they live on their own and have jobs, so it only makes sense.

  • Edwin Nah - 9 years ago

    They were 18-20 years old at the start of the show. That's what I think. So now they should be 21-25 years old by now.

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    The obvious answer almost everyone is taking is "they have my age".

    People identify in some of them, and so they believe to have the same age since ponies in this show don't have the same characteristics of aging like us humans.

  • Oak Stride - 9 years ago

    First we'd have to establish the rate that ponies age. If they age the same way as humans do, or if they age at a rate similar to equines.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    They have got to be in their Mid/late 20's at least! If we go by standard human years at least, I mean they all live alone, have their own house or rent their own place, some have jobs or their own business. Seems silly for someone to vote anything under 20 really when you think about it.

  • Anonymous - 9 years ago

    I wonder how much this correlates with our ages. I'm 25 and voted in the 25+ category myself. I feel like Rarity having a fashion career leans towards late twenties. Let alone the rest of their occupations. No younger than early twenties I say.

  • BlueDragonAura - 9 years ago

    A some people have already pointed out, age is not maturity. I think it's fair to say that canonically speaking, they're the pony equivalent of teenagers because of EqG. BUT—they don't act it. They're quite mature, and I think the age mentioned in this poll should reflect that. I believe their mental age to be about 20-22, which would give tham IQ's of anywhere from 111-157, assuming a real age of 14-18. (Just for refrence, that's superior intelligence to genius).

  • Alder Rusch - 9 years ago

    Check this out for pony ages.
    Old video but till worth the watch!

  • Alterego9 - 9 years ago


    Pinkie and Rainbow = 16
    Fluttershy = 17
    Twilight = 18
    Rarity= 20, possiby older
    AJ= ? (Could be anything from a very mature teenager forced to play the head of the house, to actually fitting her adult behavior.)

    I think for ponies, jobs and living alone are more of a cutie mark thing than a strict adulthood thing. There is not much point to High School when around the age of Cheerilee's current class, you know what you are going to do. There is also not much point to keep a party planner on a rock farm, or an animal caretaker up in the clouds.

    Fluttershy is implied to have moved down to Earth right after getting gers, while AJ and Cheese Sandwich went on a trip away from their family to find it.

    Also, Pinkie Pie feels like she is like an almost medieval style apprentice at Sugarcube Corner, ever possibly since getting her mark, and taking stereotypical teenage part roles like foal-sitting, as if she werestill preparing to be a full adult. Rainbow is speaking about "getting into the wonderbolts" with the implication of "...when I grow up". An athlete in her physical prime would have no reason to be still stuck in preparation for her future career.

    Edit: Also, a foal-looking pinkie was already living in Ponyville in Cheese's song flashback.

  • Yotes - 9 years ago

    I see them as about the same as Equestria Girls (at least in season 1) but know that ponies mature faster than us so these guys got their marks, found jobs, and are responsible enough to live freely. It's like an ideal version of our world if we got our educational system right and there were less people not knowiing what to do with their lives.

  • LiboR - 9 years ago

    When you look at Rainbow Dash, why she's not a Wonderbolt yet? Maybe because she's too young. And we have to consider she's the youngest. (she got cutie mark as the first in the class and all of mane 6 got CM at the same time)
    Also, if there's some seriously taken age limit for things like that, then Twilight had to reach this level already. In where I live this level is at 18 years.

    So, my guess is: RD - 17 yrs ; others - 18 and/or more - which means I voted for 18 - 20

  • badbob001 - 9 years ago

    They can be BOTH teenagers in the human world and adults in the pony world. If the day/year cycle is shorter on pony world, then 17 human years can be equivalent to 23 pony years time-wise. Who knows how long a year really is since they do manually control the weather there. It may also explain a bit how some ponies are 1000 years old.

    As for maturity, that is affected by society. Note that a long time ago, it was normal for teenagers to be starting families and lifespans were much shorter. So in pony world, adulthood may be reached at a younger age. When Twilight went to the human world, her body was that of a teenager but her mind would be of an adult. It's likely that if the human girls went to the pony world, they would act less mature than their pony counterparts.

    So if we are using human-years in the poll, I say teenagers.

  • shudderbrush - 9 years ago

    The only time an age in years has been directly attached to the ponies was when we flashed back to Sweetiebelle at her FIFTH birthday party ... which honestly destroyed any ideas I had about them aging more quickly than humans (since I was thinking she was about 5 NOW, but canonically disproven), so I voted with the majority here and guessed 18-20. Honestly though, I think my REAL answer would be closer to 19-23, with the youngest of them being 19 when the show began, but now that several seasons and birthdays have passed, the oldest is now at least 23.

  • Nope - 9 years ago

    @Katizua: That doesn't explain Sweetie Belle. She looked like a 5 year old girl when she flashbacked her 5th birthday party. These onies don't just behave and live like humans, they also age like humans.

  • Katizua - 9 years ago

    @ Michael Manley -- When the main 6 are in human form they will be younger than in their animal form because animals age faster than humans. Watch the JP anime Wolf Children and you will see. The kids were young teen and pre teen in human and when in wolf form they were considered adults.

  • Anon - 9 years ago

    I'll go with 20-22 consider Mane 6 were about 19-23/4 in the first season and we know for sure at least one year has passed in-universe since then.

    EQG doesn't really have a say in this as it makes Cheerilee much older than Mane6 despite her being the same age and Rarity's classmate, to say nothing of the miriad other inconsistencies (these principals aren't thousands of years old, I can assure you of that). Use your head, people. ;)

  • simonmcjoe - 9 years ago

    25+ becouse the show is 5 years old so they are 5 years past season 1 if seasons = years

  • Mechano - 9 years ago

    Lauren called them young adults, so they logically cannot be teenagers. The EQG counterparts aren't the same characters, after all; I doubt Principal Celestia is over 1000 years old.

  • Michael Manley - 9 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Equestria Girls solidly puts them around the teenage range, so that's what I'll be going with.

  • Tsukyu - 9 years ago

    Lauren herself said they were young adults, and it only makes sense considering they all have their job, and Twilight is even a princess. Using EQG as a comparison is just stupid considering that movie was just carelessly put together just so they'd have a story about schoolgirls and appeal to young teenage girls. Should hardly be considered canon. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, they said in the movie that the time passed differently between the universes. I'm not so sure and I could be wrong, but it wouldn't matter.

  • Groudon199 - 9 years ago

    I went with 20-22.

    Yes, they're teenagers in the EG universe, but so is Sunset Shimmer when she's there, despite her being older than Twilight.

  • SuppliedRelic - 9 years ago

    Come on people! Don't you pay attention to the episodes? Rainbow Dash turned 21 in Pinkie Pride.

  • Trash - 9 years ago

    I think teenagers because in Equestria Girls they were teenagers, so...idk, it just kinda makes sense. .3.

  • RandomPoni - 9 years ago

    Technically, 18-19 is still a teenager, but oh wells.

  • Shannon - 9 years ago

    Although on the other hand on the other side of the mirror they're regular teenage girls having fun playing in a band

  • Shannon - 9 years ago

    The only reason I say 25+ is because Twilight Sparkle was a student of princess Celestia's, and Princess Celestia is over a thousand years old. So I'm guessing that they would be in their late 90's could be wrong though.

  • Rita - 9 years ago

    You people keep saying they're adults because they live alone and/or work. Keep in mind MLP is a fantasy category, in fantasies there are several children living alone. Feena from Grandia is 15 and Eiko from Final Fantasy IX is 6, just to name a couple of examples.

    So by their looks and differences from Spike and the CMC I'll have to say they're between 16-20.

    In my opinion Fluttershy is the oldest, followed by Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Twilight's the third youngest, Rainbow second youngest. I think Applejack is youngest because despite being mature she has this life style and lack of parents would force her to grow up faster. Fluttershy already had a growth spurt in the flashbacks. It'd also be more interesting like this because it'd be more realistic.

    (My younger sister generally behave older than me)

  • hifibrony - 9 years ago

    IMO they range from about 19 to 23, translationally speaking from Earth to Equestria. AJ and Rarity run their own businesses; they are settled in careers, which implies they are the oldest., Twilight definitely seems like a grad student who has finally received her doctorate - a little young but she WAS an exceptionally smart student. Fluttershy is probably closer in age to Rarity and AJ, Pinkie Pie and Dashie are probably the youngest regardless of Pinkie's comment to Flutters in S1.


  • Kitt Stargazer - 9 years ago

    I think it's pretty safe to say they're all teenagers in age thanks to Equestria Girls. When Twilight and Sunset Shimmer cross they're the same ages as the others.

  • don - 9 years ago

    A few more seasons tic toc tic toc Poor Spikes the 35 year old virgin in a village of old nags. . .Awe COME ON!

  • Dalzaar - 9 years ago

    I think they are between 18-28 or so with some like Rarity and Applejack being the oldest while Fluttershy and Pinkie pie in the middle and Twilight and Dash as the youngest.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    Unfortunately, ponies are ageless or either fluid so they don't act like humans do. I don't feel comfortable of labeling human stuff to ponies or different creatures due to social anxiety about humans. That's what I love about the show, stay away from human society and focus on a different universe of freedom! But if I would like to guess, I'd say 25+

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I gave them 25+

    Twilight has finished her Graduate Studies, probably her postgraduate research as well, and she has tenure in spades.
    Fluttershy runs her own wildlife rescue and pet care center out of her own cottage.
    Rarity has her own Boutique and clients in both Canterlot and Manehattan.
    Applejack is a mature player in running the family farm and catering business.
    Pinkie Pie has multiple jobs, probably rents and is essential to maintaining the town's good spirits.
    Rainbow Dash is in charge of the local weather.

    These are not junior associates or understudies. These are businessponies and the Establishment. Ergo, over 25.

  • Billgatez - 9 years ago

    They all have there own home and some have successful businesses so i would think they are in there mid 20s

  • Gili - 9 years ago

    They live alone and have responsibilities, as in jobs. They're adults in their society if nothing else. I would have pegged them at around 19 in the first season, but feel like they're more 21-22 ish now. Not sure how the series has progressed chronically in the show, in terms of total time elapsed.

  • Maxxarcade - 9 years ago

    I've always seen them as being in their 20's. They've been living on their own for quite a while, so they've got to be over 18.

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