Hand-Orientation & Wrist You Wear Watch On


  • B - 5 years ago

    I’m right-handed, but I wear left-handed watches (As in, I intentionally seek out these lefty watches) on my left wrist.

  • Lola - 5 years ago

    I wonder has this changed with the smart watches?

  • Chelsea - 9 years ago

    I'm right handed and wear my watch on my right. I have more control of my right hand so my watch doesn't get damaged as it would on my left because I just let it slide all around carelessly.

  • Kim - 9 years ago

    I'm right handed, and wear my watch on my right. I am left eye dominate and fire a weapon left handed. I noticed it's harder for me to wear my watch on my left.

  • Marc - 10 years ago

    I am left handed and wear my watch on my left wrist. When I was younger, there was very little accommodation for left handed people, and so I wore a watch where it was most comfortable and just learned to wind with my right hand.

  • Ben - 10 years ago

    FYI, I am left-handed and at age 45 (having worn watches for about 30 years), I switched from wearing my watch on my left wrist to my right wrist.

    Why? Because I started wearing a smartwatch. It's much easier to input commands with the hand I write/tap with. As a result, I now wear ALL of my watches (with the exception of those with metal bracelets) on my right wrist. I kinda like it.

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