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Do you consider the Confederate battle flag to be a symbol of racism?

Total Votes: 583

  • Jane - 9 years ago

    Met a black man today in the bank that wanted to know why people are being so stupid where the flag is concern. He said don't they know that there were black men in the confederate army. He said his ancestors fought in the civil war. He said these idiots just don't know their history. That would include the individuals making the decisions on the flag.

  • Kristen - 9 years ago

    If the majority doesn't think it's a symbol of racism, why remove it. Please show the results on the news. If history is "erased" it will repeat itself. And the confederate flag stands for a lot more than slavery. They only teach in school the Civil war was about slavery, they don't push any of the other reasons for the Civil war. Maybe the schools need to start changing the way they teach history about the Civil war and people wouldn't think the Confederate flag stands for racisim, just like people aren't born racist, they are taught it, why teach it that way and why push mainly on that subject in schools?

  • Tammy Vaughan - 9 years ago

    It is a dangerous thing to try to erase history! It is impossible to keep everyone from being offended about something.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    Obviously people do NOT think it is a racist symbol.
    This ob course only mimics the poll results of MSNBC, AOL, and many others. People do not feel this is a racist symbol unless they are told to.

  • Bill Hinceman - 9 years ago

    according to your news report on TV you said 70% said yes and 28% voted no yet your website says the opposite. Typical news. WHERE IS THE TRUTH

  • andrea - 9 years ago

    show the correct info. on the news.. there are more support for the flag than people thinking its racist..
    Tell the truth!!!!

  • Andrea - 9 years ago

    The Confederate flag has nothing to do with racism!! Its history, its the flag for the south!! Remember why we are here!! All the soldiers who fought for us in the war between the north and south are rolling over in there graves!! All of this is stemming from 1 mentally disturbed person who needs help. It shouldnt reflect on our heritage. I agree the guy who did what he did in the church that day deserves everything he gets plus some. It is God who he will face on his judgement day who gets to decide what should be done. What is the world coming to when are young kids won't have any idea about part of history? Its sad!!! People should have the right to fly the flag high above without people thinking its a sign of racism...

  • Bill - 9 years ago

    please show the poll accurately on the news instead of what was shown at 6 pm news. instead of supporting the fanned emotions for ratings and branding

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