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Do you agree with the decision to disqualify Tuf Cooper from Stampede?


  • Eric Mills - 9 years ago

    Absurd call. ALL the cowboys whip their horses; and the barrel racers are the worst.

    What Mr. Cooper SHOULD have been suspended for is partaking in the calf roping event itself, the most abusive (excepting steer bustin') event in all of rodeo. And to mere BABIES, God forgive us, often still unweaned, or weaned far too early. How many die during the unmonitored practice sessions, one wonders.....

    REAL cowboys never practiced calf roping as a timed event--they'd have been fired on the spot. Most of rodeo is bogus from the git-go: REAL cowboys never routinely rode bulls, or wrestled steers, or rode bareback, or put flank straps on the animals, or used "hotshots" on the animals in the chutes...legalized animal abuse, and it needs to stop.

    BOYCOTT ALL RODEOS - For most of the unwilling animals involved, it's just a detour en route to the slaughterhouse. Must we also torment, terrorize and cripple them before we eat them?

    For an interesting read, see Shirley Jackson's notorious 1948 short story, "The Lottery," and substitute rodeo animals for the lottery "winner." We are a morally-bankrupt species.

    Violence begets violence. Tuf Cooper's example was the least of it. FOUR more horses died in the chuckwagon races this year (more than 50 others since 1986), three people were stabbed on the midway, and let's not forget "Trampede," the gal and her two male friends videotaped having a sexual three-way on the fairgrounds in broad daylight... What a lovely "sport"!


  • Graham Ross - 9 years ago

    In order to be fair, the rules, whatever they are need to be clear and consistent , not made up as we go. We don't have to agree with them, but, we have to know what they are.

  • Ryder - 9 years ago

    I feel that the stampede made the right decision. We need to make sure that the Stampede is enjoyable for Everyone. Including the animals. However, it wouldn't hurt to inform all the competitors each of the specific rules for their events (If they haven't already done so). I do agree with others when they say that a lot of other competitors also whip they're horses. The reason that Tuf Cooper was pointed out was because, when he was whipping his horse, he showed a big amount of aggression while doing so. This made it "stand out". Its like the difference between giving your friend a light fist tap on the shoulder, and punching your friend as hard as you can. You may of had friendly intentions, but others, or even your friend, might not share the same look on it.

  • Sam - 9 years ago

    If the Calgary Stampede is so concerned about animal welfare, fix your ground!!!! How many barrel racers have to fall before horse or rider is seriously injured.

  • Debra Ross - 9 years ago

    I want to know why the barrel racers are aloud to whip their horses? It's the same thing but they do it even more I think.

  • j - 9 years ago

    If a dog or cat are beat people are fined and the stampede shouldnt be any different anad ANYONE who say otherwise should have it done to them and they will change their mind

  • Dianne - 9 years ago

    If he whips his horse like that in front of a crowd of people what does he do to the poor horse when no one is around?? My Dad was a horseman & he talked to them with a whisper, never would hurt a horse ever, did roman standing, chariots & pony chucks.

  • Mary Miller - 9 years ago

    The Stampede 's decision to disqualify Tuff Cooper is really ludicrous, that was not being mean to the animal, the barrel racers do it and I've seen some other cowboys do it too. What's next, no spurring or roping, the animals, might as well not have the rodeo any more. Maybe that's what they're trying to do, The race horses are whipped when the jockey wants them to head for the wire, are they going to stop that too? ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!! Stampede officials SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

  • Russ - 9 years ago

    i think the Stampede threw Tuf under the bus for damage control after the 2 euthenized horses this week. They must appearas animal 'friendly' as possible. Tuf did nothing out of the ordinary for this event

  • Russ - 9 years ago

    yes barrel races cetrainly whip their horses toss them out as well but then you'll have woman's groups they're already mad over the tv commercials and the daisy dukes eliminate them from competing and the pr nightmare that would create would be enormous. bigger than the stampede. Next 'cowgirl' in dukes climbs over the stiles to get ahead of me in line at Nashville North will get knocked back to the beginning of the line

  • Sharon M Rubel - 9 years ago

    I feel the Stampede overreacted just to show people that they were on 'top of things'. The 'slapping' of the rope I feel is more to let the horse know that the time is NOW. He's not 'whipping' the horse per say, he's just getting the horse pumped up

  • Ote - 9 years ago

    So its ok for the barrel racers to whip there horses like that but not ok for tuf? Its not like he was harming the horse. 95% of cowboys cattlemen anyone in the livestock industry treat the animals with care most even have emotional connections with their animals. Whats next disqualifcation for spuring?

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