If Donald Trump wins the GOP primary, will you vote for him for President?


  • Tina - 9 years ago

    Trump can be very arrogant, but our country is going down the toilet and fast. I can easily ignore arrogance, if that person has the guts to fight the Democratic Party and save our great nation. If we don't do something to save this country soon, I don't know if we will ever be able to restore the U.S. to its former glory. I read a list of countries ranked by the degree of freedom by its citizens. The U.S. has dropped from #9 to #21 in the last couple of years. What we see happening now is the formation of a police state, attempts to divide is racially, encouraging Muslim and illegal infiltration, etc. What kind of leader does things like this? One who is nearing the end of his final term. If the president declares martial law, he will not be replaced and elections will not be held. See where we're headed?

  • Patrick Burns - 9 years ago


  • John Sandwell - 9 years ago

    I am rallying more people around Trump daily, especially younger people who are fed up with politicians and want a strong president that doesn't cater to special interests.

  • John Wolf - 9 years ago

    Ask this question: : Would you vote for Donald Trump in the Republican Primary.?

  • dan - 9 years ago

    Reagan did not triple the debt. He had a liberal/ democrat congress that adding the spending to the bills Reagan wanted. The same happened the last 2 years for Bush. It then carried through to obumer for 6 years. Now the so called conservatives we voted int congress are almost as bad. We must get real conservative in power to undo this mess liberals have got us into.

  • sally casillo hamimed - 9 years ago

    TRUMP all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the only one looking out for america and americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are some people saying he doesnt have a chance????? hilary is pointless and jeb thinks he can win becuz of his name. we need a man that is not a career politician but understands business very well...and trump is voicing what so many already feel. he looks like a president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now we just have to get him in the white house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wake up people

  • Ann Coultee - 9 years ago

    Hey you Reagan lovers, in all your holy worship, just remember that he TRIPLED the national debt. In other words, he spent more govt money than liberals. Please google.

  • Larry Isle - 9 years ago

    A Palin/Carson ticket would be my preference but if Trump wins the nomination. He will get my support and vote

  • JP - 9 years ago

    Having the guts to say whatever he wants is fine and dandy...but I look at it from the business side...America is more like a corporation than a country...maybe someone who has made billions of dollars can do something about our Debt, Economy, and Defense...or he will know who to hire to get the job done...I say put two people in the White House that have never held Political office...Donald Trump and Ben Carson...

  • GARY MANKUS - 9 years ago

    I will vote for ANYONE that has the BALLS to fire congress! Anyone that has the BALLS to undue the OBAMA REGIME! Anyone that can bring AMERICA back from this HELLHOLE that the Obama regime has been digging for us! If Trump is that person, than so be it!!!

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    I'm voting for TRUMP... I want to see some balls in the White House... Someone that isn't afraid of ISIS...
    Someone that will get rid of EBT's and Obamacare... too many things to write down lol....Obama needs to go to jail and not pass GO to get his $200 bucks... I want to see another Ronald Reagan (TRUMP). Someone that cares and loves AMERICA.....and yes Romney as vice-president.. WOW.... I can us getting back as the strongest country again if they are a team.... BUT... make Obama pay for all the damage he has done--it's only the right thing to do.... The ----fill in the blank lol....

  • Carolyn Grandchamp - 9 years ago

    I like what Donald Trump wants to do for America. This country used to stand for things and now it is being ruined by people who don't want to offend anyone. This is the time to take America back to the days when our country was strong and it had principals. God bless America and God bless our future.

  • Patrick Hunt - 9 years ago

    I like him because he is a maverick. He's a wealthy business man who know dollars and cents. He also has a savvy negotiating skill. I believe he is a true American, reminds me of Ronald Reagan. He loves America and does see it as a shining city on a hill. He knows whats broken in this country and he isn't afraid to step on some toes, or shove some people around. He's got a fire in his belly, and he isn't an establishment Republican. I like others in the field, but he is not toeing the party line. If you want to know who the dems and establishment repubs fear, just see who they attack....Right now....It's Trump. So, if they are doing that....it means they fear him...And THAT should raise your flag and research why. Follow the money trail....He's a shrewd business man who has sacrificed money already with NASCAR, Macy's etc severing ties to his companies....and he isn't backing down....That should tell you something..

  • Mary Pistole - 9 years ago

    I wouldn't vote for him for all the does is brag what he can do and mote or less how he can buy any he wants. I want a Godly man that loves the Lord and not only acts like it but speaks it and lives it.

  • Teresa Chapoy - 9 years ago

    NEWS FLASH++++++++++++++++++++++
    to the imbecilic media and liberal Democrats who do not know better......
    there IS a path to immigration and to citizenship and to legal residency in the United States of America.
    that path has always existed....it is the criminals and the politcos who have wanted to ignore it that say that the path does not exist.
    It is very simple....it just depends on your status...... the child of a citizen has a path .... the parent of a citizen..... the sibling of a citizen.....
    they apply
    they pay their fees
    they go through background checks
    they go through health checks
    they wait their turn
    if the liberal LEFT wants to change that there is a PATH for THAT as well.............
    they could change the law and allow for a faster path along a set of guidelines and regulations......
    DO that and I will be happy because then the children can be legally with their parents, the families can be together and the criminals can be in their foreign countries where they belong because we have more than our share or quota of those already!
    The path to immigration exists, the path to immigration reform exists......going through the back door with a wink and nod from this criminal administration is what is sickening!

  • john dixon - 9 years ago

    D. Trump for President Romney for Vice President. ( or anyone except Bush or Christie for Vice President.)

  • Karen Supita - 9 years ago

    IF ONLY Donald could stop himself from his constant boasting and stay on the topics we are interested in hearing him speak about. Telling us how great he is just reinforces negative feelings toward him. However, when able to stay away from displaying his arrogance, I and many others like him very much. Never thought I would say that, but at THIS moment in time, he's the man America needs.

  • Corey Lewandowski - 9 years ago

    Are you people fucking serious??? 96% of you would actually vote for Donald Trump? This has to be some liberals making a joke, right? I'm his campaign manager and I even I believe this whole thing is a crock of shit.

  • soror999 - 9 years ago

    Ted Cruz is my top choice for GOP / POTUS. I'd take Trump, if Cruz doesn't get chosen. But I dislike Trump's cut-throat business practices & total disregard for anyone who might be in his way. He's been a real asshole to the residents of a small town in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, just so he can move 'em out & put in an over-priced golf course! THAT is an attitude that I HATE!

  • Bunty Cantwell - 9 years ago

    the time is so right for someone like Donald Trump who speaks out with everything a conservative American wants to hear to get our country back to a place with morals, where hard work pays off and where we can worship as we please. I believe that all this political correctness has stymied the growth of the country, and the influx of illegals are destroying our traditional way of life. We also need to get rid of the 'old guard ' Republicans who are holding back the party and holding the hands of the Democrats to save their own Political lives. Enough already. Donald will straighten these problems out without fearing the backlash that is bound to come from the Dems. I love his strength, his brashness and his common sense.

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