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Which Pony Has the Best Nightmares?

Total Votes: 14,252

  • Oline - 9 years ago

    I don't know how to feel or what to vote. :/

  • Max - 9 years ago


    When, WHEN in the show has she ever bullied someone out of malice?

    Yes, she is self centered, and yes she can be insensitive, but that's because she wants to be the best, that doesn't mean she wants to drag people down.

    And everyone can be self centered, below you have that one fan being self centered because Applejack is not popular (despite the fact she has plenty of episodes, she doesn't realize that she's not popular because all of her episodes are either about her family or apples and thus boring).

    YOU are self centered, because even if fictionnal you wish for a character death. You don't care if she has fans or if her dying would affect kids. You want her gone just because she triggers you some memory of people that have no relation to the show, the fan, or anybody else but you.

    But that's justifiable, because you got bullied, right? And she's just a cunt!

    Just saying, nobody is perfect.

    Also I wonder if the "crazy fan" is .

  • VegaTrishe - 9 years ago


    I see people do a lot worse and they don't get blamed like this, that's quite ironic.

    Well now that you say it, my subconsciousness is perhaps 'butthurt' considering Twilight Sparkle is so low. But where did the word butthurt come frome? Emotions doesn't come from the butt. Weird way to put it.

    I don't remember Sweetie Belle being a showoff there. But then again, perhaps we view characters differently.

    Perhaps my problem with Rainbow Dash lays there, yes. I've tried look past it, but it's been tricky. I will keep trying, maybe one day I'll see things different. But so far Rainbow Dash episodes has had something that brings sour memories.

  • Riconator - 9 years ago

    @VegaTrishe "I never said my opinions are facts."
    No, not directly, but you're stating it in a whiny kind of way in a place where it shouldn't be said.

    "Sweetie Belle doesn't even have a cutie mark! Or do you see into the future or something? So Rainbow Dash gives Sweetie Belle her cutie mark?"
    Nice sarcasm. By favorite pony, I obviously didn't mean one of the Mane 6 that was only involved in this poll, otherwise you wouldn't get butthurt about a character you hate winning this poll.

    "And I think the other mane six deserves more respect than Rainbow Dash..."
    They all deserve equal respect in their own special ways but you can't deny that Rainbow Dash has made some of the biggest impacts on the show.

    " me she's extremely rude and selfish as well as an annoying showoff."
    So has your "favorite pony" in a way in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils", but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you, does it?

    "She reminds me of people who ruined my life in high school."
    Well there's your problem.

  • VegaTrishe - 9 years ago

    anonymouse, I didn't say you can't say what you want. Do it, just remember it's your opinion.

  • VegaTrishe - 9 years ago

    Riconator, I never said my opinions are facts. And what do you mean? Sweetie Belle doesn't even have a cutie mark! Or do you see into the future or something? So Rainbow Dash gives Sweetie Belle her cutie mark? I wonder how...

    And I think the other mane six deserves more respect than Rainbow Dash, to me she's extremely rude and selfish as well as an annoying showoff. She reminds me of people who ruined my life in high school. But I'll give RD SOME credit, she's not really insensitive like they were.

  • Moe - 9 years ago

    I wish Rainbow Dash would become the mane character.

  • Riconator - 9 years ago

    @VegaTrishe Wish all you want, immature brat. Show at least a small ounce of respect to the pony who started the show, gave your favorite pony her cutie-mark, and saved your favorite ponies life.

    Also, don't speak of your opinion as fact either. You're coming off as extremely butthurt. Doesn't matter if you think your opinion is better. You have to realize that the majority have a different mindset then you. You have to respect that.

  • anonymouse - 9 years ago

    @VegaTrishe God, you're pathetic. Don't tell me what I can and can't say. I hope you're favorite pony gets killed off the show so we don't have to put up with your obnoxious ass anymore. You're a disrespectful little shit.

  • VegaTrishe - 9 years ago

    anonymouse, what the hell are you talking about?

    And do not speak of that as a fact, that's an opinion.

  • anonymouse - 9 years ago

    @VegaTrishe Oh my god, Will just shut the hell up already. We all know by now that you're the same butthurt appletard using different names to try to make it sound like there's more of you. What a pathetic waste of life you are. Get over it. Dash had the best nightmare. Kiss her ass.

  • VegaTrishe - 9 years ago

    I wish Rainbow Dash would be killed off the show.

  • NamelessNP - 9 years ago


    If they chose who to write episodes for based on popularity, Twilight would be the whole show because she's the most popular by far. But what they've done is the opposite. The show has focused less and less on her the last few seasons.

  • don - 9 years ago

    The only nightmare is the butt hurt fans who whine worse than Rarity about others not picking their choice of character dream scape. . . .

  • Apple KLutz - 9 years ago

    maybe fluttershy or pinkie pie in second

  • Somepone - 9 years ago

    "This isn't completely a favorite pony poll because results slightly differs, but it is for the most part because of the fan service. That also makes it understandable why the show is unfair for Applejack fans and to a lesser degree Rarity fans, anyone who doesn't see it and deny this is either oblivious, selfish or spoiled."
    @Tatiana This isn't about popularity and anyone who thinks different is delusional, butthurt because their fav pony is not getting enough attention and just want to pin the blame in the other fans/writers. See? I can do the same thing and just because you or me says so doesn't make it truth.
    I have to be agree in that the dreams were all dull and could all easily have something interesting as well I agree that Applejack, Rarity and specially Celestia are sadly getting the short end of the stick but that doesn't meant their fans have to annoy the others fans when they don't write the episodes and you are not going to make them magically stop liking their favorite pony.

  • Tatiana - 9 years ago

    Wow, a lot of Rainbowtards in the comments here. And mind you she DOES win a lot of polls and when she doesn't she's stil high up there. How you talk makes seem like a really REALLY REEEALLLY spoiled brat. I know it's not a favorite pony poll in general, but technically it still sort of is in a way. The creators of the show uses popularity to choose who to write more episodes and better parts for, they obviously do this to get more views. Just think about it: Applejack and Rarity rarely wins polls, the other four either wins or is usually top three. So no, this isn't completely a favorite pony poll because results slightly differs, but it is for the most part because of the fan service. That also makes it understandable why the show is unfair for Applejack fans and to a lesser degree Rarity fans, anyone who doesn't see it and deny this is either oblivious, selfish or spoiled.

    I personally don't have a favorite, the mane six is a huge tie for first anyway so for me it's easy to look past it being unfair. But fans of Applejack (also Rarity and even Celestia) always gets the short end of the stick, you can deny it all you want but it's true. My daughter feels really left out for the most part and is hurt by the comments. That was the reason I started watching the show myself, to spend time with her and make her feel more appreciated. She still feels very lonely on the internet, but having me become a brony helped for the most part.

    As for this poll, I didn't vote. They were all dull and could all easily have something interesting, something that shows their character more, not what they like. The comics did a much better job with that in the Nightmare Rarity arc, this is rare for me to say since the show usually have better ideas than the comics. I really didn't like S5E13, the only part I found good was Luna's story. But the overall episode ruined things a lot.

  • Wat - 9 years ago

    This isn't even a best pony poll, it's a best NIGHTMARE poll. Plus it's not like Dash wins a ton of polls anyway (she's usually in the top 3 at least), so just let her have this. Her dream and nightmare were actually pretty great.

  • Somepone - 9 years ago

    @SSStylish!!! pinkie is my favorite pony as well and I couldn't tell she broke the four wall in that sequence, if something she was lucid dreaming.
    And I never said everyone should like Rainbow's nightmare more I said or at least I meant to say that mostly of people who voted in the poll believes her nightmare was better, in my case and in my opinion, even if I'm not fan of the song I found her nighmare the only interesting compared to the others (not is like her nightmare was something fantastic but is the only one who not just throw a monster there)
    Also you are pretty much free to think pinkie's nightmare was better, minority or not.

  • SSStylish!!! - 9 years ago

    Gonna be honest here, my fave is Pinkie's. She even breaks the 4th wall during it, doing what she does best. I know I'm gonna get chewed out by "people" like Golliat and Somepone for not liking "RD's nightmare like everyone should", but I don't. Bear in mind, the question is about their NIGHTMARE, not their dream, ergo the aforementioned and about 5,000 must REALLY like singing and flute-playing flowers. ;P

  • Somepone - 9 years ago

    @PrismNight You are missing the point just to justify your hate m8
    I would be agree with you if the nightmares were bassed in their fears or somthing, however the witer took the easy rute and just turned things that they like in monsters but since Rainbow wouldn't fear to fight he went with make her nightmare a happy but disturbing thing
    If something the writer was lazy to make those nightmares turning fluttershy's dream the weirder (and fetish fuel) and rainbow's the only different nightmare

    tl;dr it wasn't popular demand but the writer being lazy and going "lel pets, lel appuls, lel randum, lel bukz, lel awsum, lel dreses"

  • PrismNight - 9 years ago

    @Somepone: There's no difference since the writers does popular demand, that's why overrated ponies always wins.

  • Somepone - 9 years ago

    @PrismNight This is not a poll about the pony, this is a poll about their dreams and compared with the others ponies' dreams in the episode, she has the better dream and nightmare in most of people's opinion.

  • PrismNight - 9 years ago

    @Anon: It doesn't make sense at all, people like her is hated in real life. It's an offense to people like Rainbow Dash.

  • Goatmeal - 9 years ago

    Wow what's with all the drama you guys?

  • Goatmeal - 9 years ago

    Dash - best dream, funniest nightmare
    Rarity - scariest nightmare

  • Anon - 9 years ago

    @PrismNight Rainbow Dash's popularity makes perfect sense. You're just too much of an idiot to understand. Now go be butthurt somewhere.

  • PrismNight - 9 years ago

    Of course an overrated pony wins. Rainbow Dash's popularity makes no sense in the first place, therefore she's overrated.

  • triq267 - 9 years ago

    Is there a way to ban from the fandom the people who think their opinion is the only valid one?

  • anonymouse - 9 years ago

    @MRL Just take it easy. AJ is a fine pony, if you want to know what I think of her. I just like Dash better is all.

  • Rockpath5 - 9 years ago

    Honestly, I didn't like any of them. :/

  • JoJo the Hobo - 9 years ago

    Spike Sombra Door nightmare.

  • Golliat - 9 years ago

    Is there a way to ban from the fandom the ones who didn't vote Rainbow Dash's nightmare?

    They obviously didn't make an effort to remember the episode.

  • Metemponychosis - 9 years ago

    Luna's nightmare was the best.
    Someone fix this poll.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Spike had the best dreams. marsh mellow mares and ice cream houses.

    hi ho Derpy away !

  • MRL - 9 years ago

    @anonymouse: I-I'm sorry. I did it again. Sorry, sorry. It's just blurts out whenever I'm hurt or upset. SORRY! I did this on two other sites, but left because I regret it. I'll leave EQD and here too. Sorry again, I'm really sorry. I'll try not bother you, maybe not looking at comments helps.

  • Trash - 9 years ago

    I really don't like Rainbow Dash but her dream was the funniest. :P

  • MRL - 9 years ago

    @anonymouse: Are you stupid, oblivious or blind?

  • Prune - 9 years ago

    best nightmare go for Rainbow dash, but pinkie and her randomness definitely win for the best dream

  • anonymouse - 9 years ago

    Rainbow Dash is best pony. She's not overrated. She deserves to win this poll.

  • Rambopony - 9 years ago

    So you attacked me, a real person you don't even know, because I didn't like the dream a cartoon horse had on a TV show? Go seek professional help.

  • Valda - 9 years ago

    @Valda: If people can attack Applejack fans I can attact other fans. They asked for it. I'm avenging my sister.

    No one attacked Applejack fans here. You had no call to post what you did. Also I don't think Applejack would ever call anyone hateful names like that. I'm an Applejack fan actually, but I don't like you very much.

  • Talia - 9 years ago

    @Eringo: What? :/

  • Eringo - 9 years ago

    @Talia, Applebloom, re-login plz

  • Talia - 9 years ago

    @Valda: If people can attack Applejack fans I can attact other fans. They asked for it. I'm avenging my sister.

  • Talia - 9 years ago

    @Rambopony: You, and people like you.

  • Valda - 9 years ago

    Rainbow Dash had the only interesting and creative dream, the rest were just tired cliches about dresses and things. Also wow Talia, that was REALLY uncalled for. I wish there was a report button here.

  • Rambopony - 9 years ago

    Talia, what the hell is your problem?

  • Talia - 9 years ago

    @Rambopony: There is more to Applejack than just Apples!!!!!! The writers just doesn't expand her because they most likely go by popularity when giving the episode treatment to the mane six. This is what makes the show UNFAIR in the first place, and IDIOTS like you only makes us feel worse!!! Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rambopony - 9 years ago

    I thought Twilight's was good, I liked the flying books, how is it last? Applejack's was just a big stupid apple, because apples. Wouldn't it be nice if there was more to Applejack than just apples.

  • Nefarty - 9 years ago

    Rainbow Dash's was funny as heck.

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