Do you like the proposed location of the new mega-hospital?


  • Mich - 9 years ago

    I don't think they build it there too far plus take a bus there at night no way getting home they should be on a bus route

  • Mich - 9 years ago

    I don't think they build it there too far plus take a bus there at night no way getting home they should be on a bus route

  • michael Gangnon sr. - 9 years ago

    building a 10 story building in the close proximity of a busy airport is far to dangerous considering they could have chosen a plot of land closer to the 401 highway further from the flight paths for just a few minutes more travel down the road better control of the highway system and still very close for everyone in the county and windso alike
    it was told to us many years ago when they shut the Jefferson road down many years ago
    that it was a danger for planes i n crash situations and now its ok to bulid a 10 story hospital just a few hundred meters from the airport ?
    the business with travelling to Cuba soon American s will prefer to us our airlines with the difference in our dollar
    that will increase the flights to and from Mexico and cuba
    I just hope those authorities who would get the finall word will choose the the land further down the road and away from the air port flight lines. stop this foolish plan before it turns into another Multi Billion dollar boondogle just as the EC Row expressway the guiness book of records it took the longest amount of time to build + the world's shortest and the most expensive expressway anywhere in the world

  • Expressive Star - 9 years ago

    Why would they propose a site that is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY outside of Windsor??? Transit DOES NOT go out there! It said in the article that it was an "convenient 10 minute drive". OK. City of Windsor please buy all my friends that do not have a car just so that you can have them at your Mega Hospital! The old Windsor Raceway would have been a perfect site! NOT way out on 42 or old hwy 2. Whatever you wanna call it! Also the old raceway site would be much more "Convenient" than on the proposed site!

  • catscanadian - 9 years ago

    What about the ppl in Harrow and Amherstburg. Another hospital in the city. Not smart. They should have kept Grace open then.

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