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Anne Arundel County Medical Center passes a new policy which states that those who smoke will not be hired with the company. Do you agree?


  • Marty - 9 years ago

    You totally miss the point- people who drink diet sodas don't smell bad and there is no comparison to the diseases tobacco causes vs diseases & missed work increased absences from work diet sodas cause???? Got any numbers on that? nope! The USDA & American Cancer Society both say "Most studies in people have not found that aspartame use is linked to an increased risk of cancer. " Try another flimsy excuse- smoking is 100% dangerous and there is no doubt about that or that smokers smell bad and miss more work & have higher absentee rates & health care costs- NO DOUBT. World Health Org: "Tobacco use is the most important risk factor for cancer causing around 20% of global cancer deaths and around 70% of global lung cancer deaths. " There are NO positive arguments for smoking! Give it up. If people want to smoke they can just go get a job somewhere else because the hospital does not want you and more and more places will not want smokers or those addicted to other dangerous drugs.

  • bigfoot21075 - 9 years ago

    Drinking Aspartame is known to cause cancer, they should also not hire people who drink diet sodas.

  • ReXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - 9 years ago

    I got no problem with it- you have to pass a physical and be healthy enough for some jobs and so now working at some hospitals and other places means you have to be a non smoker. It is no different then telling someone they can't be a cop because they weigh 350 pounds- go get healthy come back and you can apply again. Maybe it will be an incentive to young people knowing that if they start it will be harder to get a job and never starting is a lot easier than quitting a bad habit.

    Hey if you want to smoke go ahead just know there are more and more places that will not hire you because you have a drug addiction that will cost them more then someone who does not smoke. I don't like working with smokers they smell and take extra breaks you can smell it and know they took a break and sneaked a smoke. I don't wanna work with smokkers

  • Tiki - 9 years ago

    There is another factor- my grandfather was a smoker (what killed him-he died of emphysema) and when he was in the nursing home or hospital where the patients could not smoke he always used to say how smelling smoke on a worker made him want one that much more and made it harder for him- like having to smell delicious food when you are fasting I guess. It also shows you the power of the drug in tobacco- he was dying from smoking did not want to die and still craved it. A friend's mom who died (at home) of the same disease at a much younger age used to take her oxygen cannula off and sneak smokes. Smoking is all about addicted people not wanting to conquer their addiction and I should know as I was a smoker and I quit when Gramps got his diagnosis. I will not lie it was not easy and I know for sure smoking is not a "choice" it is a drug addiction plain and simple. Now that I do not smoke I can't stand the smell of it on someone now and you always know when you are around a smoker as they do smell bad. Hospitals are about health and they have every right to exclude smokers- if nothing else so that workers are more pleasant for the patients & do not remind them they can't smoke because they are in the hospital. Smoking needs to be a thing of the past like using make up made from lead that used to kill people- well when they found out they stopped using it and lots of people do not tan anymore knowing how dangerous it is. Most hospitals have free classes for quitting smoking, weight loss, victims of domestic abuse, new moms and such to help people be healthy.

  • Dorrey Corcoran - 9 years ago

    I totally support that- smokers cost an employer more so why shouldn't they be able to exclude them? The last thing I want when I'm really sick and maybe nauseous or having problems breathing is someone taking care of me who smells like an ash tray or is hinky from withdrawal because they are having a nicotine fit. Smoking is a choice to be addicted to a drug not a "right" & they should exclude people who make a very unhealthy choice from working at a health care facility. It is no different than not hiring someone who tests positive for alcohol or a medicinal drug that they were not prescribed. People can either quit or go find someplace that will hire smokers which is going to be harder and harder as no employer want to hire someone who costs them more than a non smoker does. Hey people, just quit smoking! The company I work for does not have an official policy, but nobody who works there smokes so I think they do not hire smokers. I was not asked on my interview, but I initially volunteered the info that I did not smoke or drink and was drug free and had no problem with any testing. I do take medicinal drugs for arthritis & diabetes but I have a prescriptions for them. I am not aware of any doctor who would prescribe using tobacco, but they probably would make an exception for such a person.

  • Charles Lester - 9 years ago

    What other requirements are next to be mandated? You cannot use alcohol, you cannot use medical marijuana, you cannot own a weapon, you must be a registered member of a protestant church, you cannot be what else?

  • Ashley - 9 years ago

    I do not even smoke and I think that is ridiculous!!!!! That is why they have designated smoking areas for people, so those who do not smoke don't have to smell it or be around it. Another way to try and take away people's rights....

  • DISGUSTED - 9 years ago

    Smokers are disgusting they stink and I do not want one near me. I do not want to breathe your second hand smoke and it makes me sick to see you people puffing away with kids in the car. Your second hand smoke harasses others and it causes cancer in them. People need to eat food and many "junk foods" and fast foods are in fact taxed in Maryland. Smokers have no right to complain about fat people- you want them to lose weight? Ok they want you to quit smoking. Fat people gross me out too, but they do not stink or expose others including their own kids to cancer causing smoke. You have a right to smoke in your home, but more and more places are not going to hire you because you have a habit that disgusts others and costs your employer more than a non smoker. If you don't like the taxes, don't buy cigarettes! Cure your unhealthy drug addiction. BTW employers can refuse to hire people who are too fat to do the job as well. Smokers are a minority and you are going to have to deal with people who think your habit is disgusting and don't want to work with or socialize with you, Your choice- mine is not to be addicted to tobacco/nicotine or food. There is no tax on being healthy and a good example to our kids. Smokers should not be allowed to have kids or go near them.

  • Bob Marley - 9 years ago

    No. It's prejudice. I am so sick of being harassed because I smoke cigarettes. You tax us out the butt but I don't see you taxing food if you're fat. It's discrimination. Pure and simple.

  • Jason - 9 years ago

    Private hospital, with private rules. Who cares? Love to smoke a cancer stick, go be employed by another medical institution.

  • Baja67 - 9 years ago

    I've been smoke free for 15 years now and I say it is WRONG for AACMC to pass this policy on persons who choose to smoke on their own personal time

  • Sue - 9 years ago

    It is not prejudice, smoking is a choice and anyone who wants to work there can stop smoking and become a non smoker and apply . It is no more "prejudice" than not hiring alcoholics to be bus drivers. Employers have every right to keep drug addicts out of their workplace and to decide which recreational drugs they wish to exclude. According to the CDC a smoker costs an employer about $6000 more per year than a non smoker in health costs & missed work. I think it is just being cost effective as non smokers are cheaper to employ. Smoking is a choice like over earing is and there are a lot of jobs people who are too fat & out of shape cannot get until they get healthy & fit. I would not want to work with smokers they stink.

  • Josh - 9 years ago

    I understand second-hand smoke and smoke residue from cigarette smoking DURING WORK at a hospital is problematic. However, AFTER WORK when not around patients who cares if they go smoke some cigarettes? As long as they are properly sanitized (from a shower and fresh clothes, that's all it would take) before the next work shift, no problem. All this does it prevent prospective employees from working there.

    No one gets mad if a dentist had some candy after work.

    Keep smoking restrictions at hospitals but nicotine testing is outrageous and un-American.

  • justme2015 - 9 years ago

    I totally agree. I have asthma and would hate to be set off into an attack by someone reeking of cigarette smoke. I think this should be for all medical facilities. We deserve to not have our health put at risk.

  • LinMack - 9 years ago

    If you run a medical center but have smokers hanging right outside your door... then the wrong message is being portrayed.

  • MOLLY COFFMAN - 9 years ago


  • 1uniquemonique - 9 years ago

    I can understand their logic. Not hiring smokers will decrease what they have to pay on their portion of the employee's health insurance.

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