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How much of your fiction reading is re-reading?

Total Votes: 93

  • Denise Kelley - 9 years ago

    I do re-read books, perhaps 20% of my total. Some are comfort reads and is like coming home from a long day and putting on my comfy clippers and bathrobe and relaxing in front of the fire. They put me in a mood. Others are just such powerful books that I gain something from it every time. They might remind me of my principles, or of the need to remain empathetic, or simply to remind me what great fiction is. Like you, I love learning from my reading and expanding my mind or heart, but since I don't re-read mediocre books, and the best books have much more than one layer, I find it fits my needs when I go that way.

  • Donald Marion - 9 years ago

    I also read a book a day, starting in the fourth grade. When in my early twenties, I realized although l recalled most books in detail, when I reread them, I found my perspective on the people and plot had changed. Many will have experienced the same awakening. I am writing this on a Kindle, one letter, one tap. The type is very tiny, hence, some mistakes happen. I am sticking to it.

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