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Do you think smoking should be allowed in multi-residential buildings?

Total Votes: 401

  • Rhea Beaulieu - 6 years ago

    Recently moved to a so called (smoke free) apartment. Come to find 2 residents are grandfathered. One of which is one door down from us. We were told no grandfathered smokers on our floor. It is terrible, especially after dinner until bedtime. My throat is very sore, nose and ears are plugged. We moved here after selling our house, in which we've had no smoking signs for fifty one years because cigarette smoke bothered me so much. I am very upset to say the least ! !

  • Richard Poirier - 6 years ago

    I have also written to Doug Ford and the Minister of Housing to ban the grandfather clause for smokers because the only way to stop a smoker that is grandfathered is to put tenants against tenants and they never want to get involved. This is 2018 and we have all the facts on health issues with smoking, we need to get with the program.

  • Maxine - 9 years ago

    Nope , no not at all. I'm a smoker, but don't believe in smoking indoors. Never have. It smells and makes everything else smell.

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