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Do You Fassl Asleep With a Pony Plushie?

Total Votes: 7,639

  • Frost - 9 years ago

    Never saw this one coming, I don't have a plushie but that's probably because I'e never seen one in a shop in my life, seriously it's like mlp doesn't exist here in the UK. Still really want one though :(

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago

    Nope. They stay on the shelf where they belong.

  • insertbronyhere - 9 years ago

    Define "sleep with" lol --- @Swash: Build-a-Bear has a Spike "Small Fry" for $15, which is properly scaled against the BaB ponies.

  • J47fly - 9 years ago

    I don't sleep with a plush normally, I put them in shelves or in a box cause I use them to go on conventions and show them off. But I bought a Twilight Sparkle pillow that just released this week so well see how that turned out.

  • Yotes - 9 years ago

    My girlfriend's bed is covered with them. Luna rests at the head of the bed.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I'm older than "Twylite-Sparkle" in the comments and I have a dedicated "Fassl Asleep With" pony. Just the one as I prefer my plush ponies pristine. This plush also cures bursitis.

  • Joyce - 9 years ago

    I have three in my bed, but is because I also sleep with my toddler son. He's the entire reason I got into the fandom. I also have two in the car as well.

  • Ecthudan - 9 years ago

    Sadly, I don't own any plushie. I'd kind of love to own one, but they're mostly too expensive and I don't usually like buying merchandise anyway.

  • En7gma - 9 years ago

    I'm still waiting for the chance to find aa plushie though, if only I could escape the wooden jaws of the closet in which I am trapped still after over a year.

  • En7gma - 9 years ago

    OK, really?

    having a plushie- awesome
    displaying a plushie-good
    cuddling a plushie- eeeh, ok
    sleeping with a plushie- walk away slowly and cautiously

    p.s please don't hate me for this
    (awaits inevitable hate storm anyway)

  • Tim - 9 years ago

    I have 15 Applejack plushies, but I never sleep with any of them. Wouldn't that wear them out anyway?

  • Batwing Candlewaxxe - 9 years ago

    I don't own a pony plushie. If I did, I would; but I am sadly bereft. Maybe if 4DE ever actually manages to release their Luna plushie (and everyone in the world learns to live in peace and harmony, which is about as likely).

    I do, however, have several different cephalopod plushies that take up space in my bed.

  • Lance Omikron - 9 years ago

    I haven't been falling asleep with my plushie. But come to think of it, why the heck haven't I?

  • Dalzaar - 9 years ago

    If I had a pony plushie then perhaps....but the only physical pony stuff I have are the Funko vinyl figurines of Sunbutt and Moonbutt and those are not good hugging material....guess I have to search for a nice plushie...after all for a tall,hairy 30 year old that looks like the runaway drummer of a heavy metal band,a cute soft plushie adds to the coolness as it shows that I have a soft side too.

  • Magic - 9 years ago

    I don't sleep with a pony, i sleep with an old rabbit plush i've had for a very long time. I suppose it's comforting? IDK.

  • BlueZircon-DA - 9 years ago

    I have about nine pony plushies, now. c:

  • Person - 9 years ago

    He went there...

    I'd consider it, but I see my pony collection as a collection. Sleeping with collectables tends to reduce their quality.

  • Timmainsson - 9 years ago

    I got the whole herd
    is mine!!!

  • Gokudomatic - 9 years ago

    ok, this is crossing a line.

  • Swash - 9 years ago

    Got two Spike plushies (SOMEONE has to trick Hasbro into thinking somebody's actually fucking willing to spend money on the bitch), a Luna plush, and a Rarity plush. They're all positioned at the foot of my bed, and I never cuddle them.

  • Maxxarcade - 9 years ago

    I'm planning on sleeping with my Dashie from 4DE, if she ever shows up.

  • TheHuntsman - 9 years ago

    how does one fassl asleep? lol

  • BenHead - 9 years ago

    @Twylite-Sparkle What "of course"? I'm 37 and married and I do. I don't see any reason to change. You already watch the show and own those plushies - the ship has sailed on worrying about conventional attitudes about age.

  • Twylite-Sparkle - 9 years ago

    Dude, I'm 50 years old! Of course not! I keep 'em all on the shelf or across the top of my monitor, watching my every move...

  • Ic3w4Tch - 9 years ago

    I dont have one. :(
    But im getting one next month! Muhahahahaha! :D

  • Mally - 9 years ago

    Sleep with my Dash plush every night

  • Otterax - 9 years ago


  • MrOmg - 9 years ago

    Too bad I don't have any pony plushie yet :/ I hope I'll get one someday

  • Nefarty - 9 years ago

    Unfortunately, I don't have a pony plushie to fassl asleep with, nor fall asleep with.

  • Kayane - 9 years ago

    Holy fuck, Seth.

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