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If you had to cast your ballot right now, who would get your vote? (Poll Closed)


  • James Tod - 16 years ago

    Reading the comments, especially those supporting the Greens I just want to say that if Ms. May and the Greens can hold up to real public and media scrutiny, they will deserve all those votes and support they are showing in the polls. However we have seen in recent days very questionable anti-isreal etc. comments and stances supported by some of their candidates. From the one they dropped in BC to the "Ottawa Group of Four" to the former Liberal MP that turned Green after Dion dropped him from caucus due to some alleged accounting irregularities. Let's see what the Greens are really about, their candidates, and so too lets get introduced to Dion and see what he's about.

  • Iskandariya - 16 years ago

    I would vote for Liberal because they are more progressive and open minded. I dislike the Conservatives because they are more Pro-American policy.

  • anti-toronto - 16 years ago

    I do not trust a Marxist Dion having access to the firearms registry, he would love to take my deer rifle and turkey shotgun. I like the Conservative method of getting tough on criminals, not the Liberal approach of registering firearms of hunters, trappers, farmers, collecters, and olympic athletes.

  • Not a chance in Liberhell - 16 years ago

    Think real hard! What do you really think is going to happen if the Liberhells win and impose their greenshit philosophy on Canadians. I'll point out a few things for you.

    The price of EVERYTHING will increase dramatically. The end user always pays for any increases imposed on companies.

    The Liberhells would send Canadians into a huge, HUGE recession and maybe even a depression unlike anything seen before. Not only would Ontario & Quebecs manufacturing sectors continue their tailspin.... he'd also send ALL natural resource sectors into a nosedive.... price of product climbs too high, customers look elsewhere.

    If the Liberhells somehow get power, you might as well toss the Canadian flag in the garbage, as those provinces robbed of their income WILL seek seperation. 3 or maybe even 4 Western provinces and maybe even the Maritime provinces that have discovered new found wealth.

    So vote Liberhell if you want to see the disintigration of our great country Canada!!!!

  • H.E. Kallsen - 16 years ago

    It's not an easy choice but yet it is. Won't ever vote NDP or Green. I'm not a socialist and Green is way too one dimesional, at least on the surface. After Chretien/Martin I'd have great difficulty ever voting Liberal again especially with Dion and his carbon tax proposal at the forefront. No to CHP. Any party that has religion in its name is anathema to me. So, short of a Rhino revival, that leaves the Harper conservatives as the only real choice although there are plenty of things I disagree with in the Harper agenda. Minority please.

  • Patrick ink - 16 years ago

    When is Hargrove going to run for the Liberals and stop pretending? He just seems like another guy whos trying to pay pack his former cadres with his negativity directed towards the other guys. why doesnt he just be honest, or is that not a Liberal attribute?

  • RG - 16 years ago

    The NDP and Green parties do get a bit of a "free ride" since they have never, nor are they likely to ever, form the government of Canada. They are perceived to be "squeaky clean" because of this.

    Certainly Elizabeth May's deal with Dion and the Blair Wilson shell game illustrate that it will be "politics as usual" for the Greens.

    As I see it, the problem is more fundamental than our parties and their leaders. We need fundamental changes to the system itself. Our parliamentary and election systems are antiquated and have seen no significant upgrades since the 1800's. How bad is that?

    As much as I deplored the Christian -right overtones of the Reform party, I voted for them to effect change in our system. I can't say that Harper has moved fast enough on those...but at least the Conservatives have the issue on their radar.

  • Tru - 16 years ago

    There are only two parties that hold honour to the spirit of Canada - the NDP or The Green Party. These two parties are aware of the most prominent issues in the world today.
    Canada was once renowned internationally as a place of peacekeepers. We need to maintain our public health system, a strong education system, and support of our one most vital inheritance - the vast ecological landscape of our country.
    The only way to govern is with intelligence and innovation. Unfortunately, Harper has neither of those qualities, and his party is the antithesis of both.
    Harpers stands for all that brings harm in this world - homophobia, economics based on environmental destruction, cultural homogeneity, destruction of public health systems.
    An example of fact, is that Harper refused to acknowledge the importance of a comprehensive approach to global warming until he realized that he would fail to be supported by Canadians until he changed this stance. So, in order to appear aimed in the direction that we are all concerned about, he changed his public stance - thus garnering the correct face.
    But how? By disregarding the experts in the field of global warming, by trashing the Kyoto plan and instead jumping in with the worlds most oblivious and renowned environmental tragedies, namely: China, India, USA, Australia... in the faux accord called "Asia-Pacific Partnership"... which has a twisted goal of dropping emissions in 50 years!
    The basic truth is that we have 8 years to stop the tipping point of global warming.
    "...there could be as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more. The warning came in a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)." quoted from The Guardian
    The one good thing I saw Harper do is to stand up to the Human Rights atrocities of China, by not going or supporting the Olympics. I must say that this surprised me, and offered me something in the international political stage that I have not felt in a while - pride. I commend his action, and give one point to Harper.
    Yet, I do not have a short term memory. I remember the malicious ideals of the Conservatives, and there is one thing that Canada was never meant to be - castrated of spirit, broken of its uniqueness, and sold out until this country and landscape are nothing more than foreigner's playgrounds housed with condominiums that the locals could never afford to live in.
    I am not meek or cowed by our contemporary political and ecological challenges, and believe firmly that there still remains strong potential for our beautiful, dynamic land and people.
    Canadians are unique, proud, well educated, honest and strong, and the one thing our country deserves is to maintain these qualities. The Conservatives do not represent this dynamic land and its multifaceted culture(s). Be brave, let's create the future we all hope for. Find the parties with some ethics innovation and intelligence - vote.

  • Charles - 16 years ago

    Canadians would be much better off if all of the people who vote for The Conservatives would move to the U.S.A. A vote for The Conservatives is a vote for money over people.

  • true blue - 16 years ago

    Conservative is the only honest and intelligent choice. Do we really want to be mismanaged and more of our hard earned money stolen and wasted by the Liberals or the socialists.

  • Pat - 16 years ago

    I am amazed at all you liberal supporters out there....think about it, you elected MP's to sit on their hands or just not show up to vote in every major decision of the last sitting of there is solid representation if I ever saw it!!!!! I'll take the conservatives over that any day

  • CynicalJ - 16 years ago

    On the national scene for 'leaders', we have a closeted Western separatist, a bumbling pointdexter, a bumbling Québec separatist and two rather competent but misguided ideologues. A paltry choice at best.

    It may not do much good, but a minority government has a great deal of trouble doing something truly bad or stupid. At best, a well functioning minority government can do only what is needful; governments have enough ways to pick your pocket, why give any of the major parties a blank cheque by giving them a majority.

  • Martha - 16 years ago

    Yes- Harper has broken his own promise-more than once- but think of the alterative- they mismanaged your tax dollars to no end- Harper at least is trying to put them to good use!!! NOthing gets done- but squabbling- with a minority government- he's right- must have a majority to pass the bills- which are long overdue.Vote for the one man with intelligence-knowledge & capability of Governing-Conservative!

  • true blue - 16 years ago

    Well said Al and Sheila. To quote the most famous spokesman of all (Winston Churchill)

    "Any man who is under thirty, and is not a liberal has no heart; and any man who is over thirty, and is not a conservative, has no brains."

    There is plenty of evidence proving the veracity of this statement in the above

  • Peter Leon - 16 years ago

    I voted Conservative. I trust Primeminister Harper. He speaks well for Canada on the Internatonal scene. He is at least trying to be a PrimeMinister and a leader to Canadians. He may not look good in everything he does or tries to do, but as we have come to know it this is Canadian politics. At times, what he does may not please everyone but at least he is trying. At the moment, he is the best we have, I haven't seen anyone better or with more to offer.

  • Mr. Sneezy - 16 years ago

    Why leave out the CHP? The Christian Heritage Party is a viable option for those who feel the CPC is not a true "conservative" party.

  • Mr. Sneezy - 16 years ago

    Why leave out the CHP? The Christian Heritage Party is a viable option for those who feel the CPC is not a true "conservative" party.

  • S.B. Simpson - 16 years ago

    I had always thought I was a Conservative, but after the failure of this government to keep its promises and its heavy handed Taliban-type Conservatism, I know I will never vote Conservative again, or Liberal because of their corruption and hate for the West, or NDP because I'm just not a socialist. This leaves only the Greens., maybe their youth and immaturity is an asset. This country needs "Change" and possibly in a minority role, they can give the West some balance against the stranglehold of the Bloc.

  • RedAppleFalls - 16 years ago

    i'm with you leonard.

    the old parties need to learn: canadians are fed up with the status quo. the only way to be heard is to MAKE your voice heard.

    vote GREEN.

  • Leonard Bernier - 16 years ago

    I'm fed -up with all the major party's and it is high time we sent them all a wake-up call to start working for canada . Vote the green party , its the only canadian party left and if enough of us vote even in protest it should shake them up a bit .

  • RedAppleFalls - 16 years ago

    reasons to not vote for the conservative party of canada:
    - PETER VAN LOAN: largest emitter of greenhouse gases;
    - maxime bernier: too busy dallying to pay attention to all those important documents;
    - tony clement: homophobic organ donation policy;
    - jim flaherty: "ontario is the last place to do business", wasteful tax cuts, mutli-billion dollar bail-outs with "green funds" of gas guzzling manufacturers;
    - john baird: second largest emitter of greenhouse gas/anti-kyoto dinosaur;
    - bev oda/josee verner: national portrait gallery fiasco, tax-driven censorship of canadian film; multi-million dollar cuts to the arts;

    stephen harper... only western leader not to request the return of its own citizens from guantanamo bay, manipulation of the media, breaking his own fixed election law for purely political reasons, in-and-out, reducing the level of intelligence in debates (green shift will "screw everybody").

    that's just off the top of my head.

  • D. W. Weese - 16 years ago

    Harper has broken one of his own laws. How can the Canadian people believe him when he has lied since he took over the PM office in 2006? I do not trust him or the Cons.

  • Sheila Tofflemire - 16 years ago

    Anyone stupid enough to vote for a Liberal government after the way they robbed taxpayers (sponsorship scandal), deserves the government they get. That money was never returned to Canadians, and nobody has been held adequately responsible. Plus, the Liberals will impose an unwanted and unnecessary carbon tax if elected through their Green Shift plan, a name they stole from a legitimate company. Just ask the people in BC how they feel about a carbon tax.

    I will vote for the Conservatives, but they better start paying attention and do something about the abuses being perpetrated by the HRCs in this country. Free speech and freedom of the press are being undermined by these quasi-judicial bodies, and the HRCs have grossly overstepped their mandate.

  • Al Hasley - 16 years ago

    Robert, I think the word you were trying to spell is "Liars", but that might be a bit long for you. Good luck with Grade 3. Work hard and you might get through it in one try.

  • Robert Finch - 16 years ago

    The Cons are LIERS, Cheats, and a bunch of SHEEP. Any one voting for them is a DUMMY.

  • Al Hasley - 16 years ago

    I'll vote Conservative because there is no other choice. The last Liberal government was probably the most arrogant and dishonest government this country has ever seen. The NDP are a group of unprincipled socialists who want nothing more than to get everything for nothing.
    The Greens only MP is a defrocked Liberal who went to the only party who would have him. And if he's not good enough for the Liberals, . . .'nuff said.
    The current government may not be good, but, I believe, the are the least bad one this country has had in over 50 years.
    Suck it up Ontario, vote Blue.

  • James Tod - 16 years ago

    I think Harper might have over played his hand. The CPC has been campaigning hard for about a month now. Obviously knowing they had no intent to let the HOC reconvene. He started his administration breaking promises and he finished it breaking promises. I don't think I can believe him on anything.

  • Jack Fakington - 16 years ago

    I voted Liberal but I see the conservatives are in the lead. Liberals are no saints but at least they are more sly than the Conservatives when they break the law.

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