Should the mother of the 7 year old Hardwick boy who was abused and starved get custody of her son back?

1 Comment

  • cheryl chamberlain - 9 years ago

    i feel if the mom was deemed unfit in a court of law why give her the rights to that child who has already endured abuse also i feel that the courts dcf should be held accountable for there actions given the father the child when he also had a criminal record this child should be placed in the loving hands of parents that will give him stability and unconditional love a child who comes from an abusive home will most likely do on to there loved ones later in life and a childs formative development are also likely contact with the criminal justice system there are many storys such as this case that dcf is in there life and over see most of the abuse some dont even have a licence to practice child care they need also to be more educated and vigilant as they do well being check on these children the justice as well has failed in a number of cases

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