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Who do you think should retire from the music business?

Total Votes: 7

  • Fred is Dead - 16 years ago

    freedie mercury is quite literally a fossil *LOL*

  • Monica Eichart - 16 years ago

    Why isn't Queen on this list? They're older than many of the other artists listed.

  • Jon Westaby - 16 years ago

    Queen should retire. I'm sure with their only fan vote rigging, this would have been another poll for him.

  • Ellie stenberg - 16 years ago

    I really don`t think any of them need to retire,why would anyone retire if, A. they are still enjoying what they are doing and B. they are still making headlines and selling records.

  • Kara - 16 years ago

    U2 should just retire and start declare a full-time job of philanthropy. There wouldn't be any big lifestyle change for any of them, would there? They'd just be retiring from one of their sporadic hobbies...

    Michael Jackson is on a hiatus anyway because of his bad health (and Britney Spears is a mess at the moment, too), but if the rest of the musicians are healthy enough to perform, then I say, old guns go for it!

  • Sian - 16 years ago

    What about Pete Townshend? He should have retired decades ago.

  • Ianoby - 16 years ago

    Michael Jackson - Had his day. after all the allegations, and the child over the balcony palaver not to mention his face he should call it a day.

    as for the Rolling Stones, they should keep going as longer as their health lets them. Long live Rock & Roll. Long Live the Stones

  • Blah De Fackin Dah - 16 years ago

    Morrissey! That man should've given up a long time ago. Retire, become a recluse.... stop singing "You have killed me" and just die, you worthless sack of donkey shit.

  • Editor - 16 years ago

    OK, enough is enough, who do you think should stop making a fool of themselves and pack it all in! Start Me Up sang Mick Jagger in 1981, (he's now 65). Are 66 year old Paul McCartney's troubles still so far away, or can't he remember that far back? Should Madonna be dressing like a 18 year-old? Will Michael Jackson ever Beat It? Yeah, I hope I die before I get old sang The Who. Get voting now!

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